I am so nervous about my laproscopy​ - Endometriosis UK

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I am so nervous about my laproscopy​

hevehello profile image
21 Replies

I know this is probably the most common post on this website but I am so nervous and anxious about having this laparoscopy

I'm mostly worried about the complications that could happen and how I will feel afterwards but i'm trying to remain positive

I am just suffering really badly with anxiety and panicking, please help!

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hevehello profile image
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21 Replies
introuble profile image

we are in the same boat... we will be OK... trust me

introuble profile image

... and stop googling hehe

Lostintransit profile image

Hi there,

Please try not to worry hon. We’ve all been there, me personally several times and it’s natural to feel the way you do. Just try your hardest to think positive. Easier said than done but it’s what I try my hardest to do. They’ll give you a form to sign regarding the possibility of bowel perforation but it’s something that’s very rare.

I promise, when you come around, you’ll feel relieved because you’ll at least have an answer.

They gave me a sleeping tablet as a pre med about an hour before I went down. Tell them how you’re feeling and they should give you a pre med.

I hope you get the answers you need. Best of luck x

hevehello profile image
hevehello in reply to Lostintransit

Thank u so much that has made me feel so much better ❤️

hevehello profile image
hevehello in reply to Lostintransit

I hope you find the answers and continue to have a good journey to health xxx

Victoria1988 profile image

Sorry to hear your feeling so nervous i felt exactly the same on the day i had to be told to calm down otherwise they wouldnt go ahead as my blood pressure was so high 🙈 but after being reassured buy the surgeon and everyone looking after me off i went to sleep and the next minute i was waking up im sure you will be ok but i totaly understand as i felt exactly the same even thinking will they find anything/will something happen whilst they are doing the lap/if they do find something will they get rid of it/will it come back... the thoughts are endless. I just wanted to show let you know your not alone ☺ i hope you feel better with time and sending you lots of luck ❤💖 xxxx

hevehello profile image
hevehello in reply to Victoria1988

Thanks so much, hearing people that were feeling the same as me with positive stories afterwards is really helping! you are so kind, hope you have a great christmas xxxx

Victoria1988 profile image
Victoria1988 in reply to hevehello

You are very welcome you will be in safe hands and although you may feel groggy and sore afterwards at least the lap will be done and over with before you know it and I hope you have a great christmas too xxx

Lulububs profile image

Yeh defo never google anything about procedures or health issue or ur always come back to cancer or brain tumour and it never right and people only write about bad things never good

I have had two lap and both were so easy and no pain and no problems....

So do not worry.

I was up within two days, first two i slept, i needed no pain killers...

I slept and ate and watched loadsa dvds and boxsets and i was back at work forst one within a week second one was two weeks but i got a water infection so needed more time off

But i still didnt feel bad.. actually within 2 week i was on beach on holiday so please do not stress or worry.

If anything it just abit bruised and sore!

hevehello profile image
hevehello in reply to Lulububs

thank you so much for taking the time to reply, honestly its changed my mindset and i less anxious now! wish you all the best n merry christmas xxxx

applebird profile image

This may help you, very in-depth info re preparing, what happens and recovery


Ask your gp for diazepam or similar to help calm you.

Procedure is as follows, you'll go to hospital and wait in a room with some other women, have your own bed etc.

When its your time they will trolley you down and take you into a side room next to theatre or directly in and administer anaesthetic via canula. The next thing is you'll wake up and be sore/tired/disorientated - they have lots of painkillers - just ask, when you are in recovery they'll give you iv drugs and they are very quick to act so you won't be in prolonged pain. Back on ward it's tablets.

They pump your tummy with gas to be able to see better during surgery and you might feel some pain and discomfort as this dissipates post surgery. If you can get bowel prep (such as movicol) prior to surgery too this would be ideal clears everything out so no worries about going to the bathroom for a few days - the painkillers can make you a bit constipated. Some people find that they have difficulty peeing for a while after - if this happens don't worry it will right itself and they will keep a close eye on you.

All in all try and relax and prepare well - if it is a routine laparoscopy there is nothing too much to worry about and you will be up and about on the same day if surgery happens in the morning. If it is a complex major surgery involving multidisciplinary, bowel involvement etc it might be about a day and a half until you're out of bed but still pretty quick (you would know by now if this is the case i.e. if you've had a diagnostic lap already and spoken with multiple consultants etc).

You'll be fine x

hevehello profile image
hevehello in reply to applebird

Thank you so much for replying! Really eased my anxiety and feel so much better about it already, makes a change from the horror stories on google xx

Violet89 profile image


It’s totally normal to feel anxious and worried before a procedure I felt exactly the same and I had mine Monday 3rd December. I think it’s also the fear of the unknown of not knowing how you’ll feel, whether you’ll be in pain, what they will find. It’s all totally normal and it won’t be as bad as you think it will be. Tell them you’re feeling anxious and they should be able to help you with that. I felt very groggy when I came around and a bit emotional but relieved when they said they had successfully removed a 4cm endo cyst from my left ovary.

I’m 2.5 weeks after and just went for my first run this morning and was at yoga 2 weeks post surgery still very bruised but it’s nice to be back to doing something gentle.

Be kind to yourself if you have any questions or worries this forum is the best thing for them! We’re all in similar boats!

Good luck x

hevehello profile image
hevehello in reply to Violet89

You are all so lovely !! Thank you so much, honestly never knew how much writing in this forum would help 🥰 xx

hevehello profile image
hevehello in reply to hevehello

and so good to hear that they were able to treat u! Hope u keep getting better n better xx

tiger-cub profile image

I’ve been there several times . It’s natural to feel that way . But if u unnecessarily keep in thinking it will only elevate ur blood pressure and nothing else would change . Have faith in your surgeon. And believe that whatever he’ll do is for ur good .

Drink some relaxing tea or go for a foot massage. Everything Shall be fine . God bless

hevehello profile image
hevehello in reply to tiger-cub

thank you so much lovely, all of your support has put my mind at ease ! xx

Jojo_scotland profile image


I had my first laparoscopy less than 2 weeks ago and I am recovering well.

I was also super nervous and panicked frequently as I endlessly googled and read information about the procedure. I was worried about how I would react to my first general anaesthetic and panicked I would react badly. It is very natural to worry. The advice I can provide is try to read a book when you attempt to google or worry. When I came through from surgery, the consultant informed me the surgery had gone well and I was instantly relieved.

The main thing to remember is that this procedure is very common, the Drs know what they are doing. You are having a procedure to help your health and ultimately make you better so just think that this is a positive step for you. Once you have done it you will feel stronger in yourself for having come through it. One of the Drs told me that this was a new experience for me and they were right!

Try not to worry, you will be fine. Just like I am 2 weeks on from surgery! X

hevehello profile image
hevehello in reply to Jojo_scotland

Thank you so much ❤️ I’m going in at 7:30am tomorrow. Feel a lot more positive after your lovely words xxxx

introuble profile image
introuble in reply to hevehello


How’s everything?

hevehello profile image

Hello everyone, I am so relieved. I had my laparoscopy yesterday and the surgery went well. I was diagnosed with moderate endometriosis mostly in my uterus. If it wasn’t for you lovely people I would never have had the courage to go for my lap and i would still be in the lurch. they managed to remove as much of the Endo as possible and have recommended either the coil or the progesterone only pill- what’s everyone’s thoughts on these? Honestly I can not thank you all enough - your are angels. Xxxx

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