Dismissive surgeon, how can I change? - Endometriosis UK

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Dismissive surgeon, how can I change?

Lipton profile image
9 Replies

Hi all. I am struggling with very painful periods, plus a lot of discomfort in vaginal area, for over 7 years now. Also painful bowel movements all the time, which are getting progressively worse. Nothing wrong with the bowel though, colonoscopy came clean so I got an IBS diagnosis. Due to the other symptoms, my GP referred me to a gynaecologyist/surgeon. This doctor is very dismissive and barely listens to my complaints, but he agreed to schedule a laparoscopy, although he keeps saying nothing will be found and is pushing for me having a Mirena coil fitted even without a proper diagnosis! Not sure if I should go ahead with a surgery done by someone who obviously thinks it's all in my head. But how can I change the surgeon now?

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9 Replies
AllthatGlitters profile image

Hi firstly I would say I don’t know why a consultant would be sure that no Endometriosis would be found, when nontests have been done and he doesn’t have a crystal ball. if he really thinks that then why is he giving you a lap?. You wonder don’t you!

I know you can phone the secretaries and get the number from your own GP, you can tell the secretary that you wish to go on other surgeons lists, you may get done quicker and also you might get another surgeon.

Worth a try x

Lipton profile image
Lipton in reply to AllthatGlitters

Yes, I do wonder what's in his head. I had a hysteroscopy done with him a few months ago and removed a large polyp, but symptoms remain the same. He then tried to discharge me without a follow-up appointment! It took 3 months and a lot of pressure to get this follow-up appointment, and when I tried to list my symptoms he kept interrupting and asking why I don't want a Mirena coil. I want a diagnosis! Why he agreed to the laparoscopy when he obviously thinks I am wasting his time, is beyond me... Thanks for the suggestion, I will try and talk to the secretaries.

E-ZEE profile image

Oh you just simply ask your GP you wanna see diffrent gynaelogist for second opinion before go through lapro,your GP should help you in it and do'nt worry all will sorted.x

Moonglo profile image

Unacceptable! He clearly doesn’t understand endometriosis! Have you tried a referral to a bsge clinic?


Try to find a couple of options close to you and ask your gp to refer you.

Good luck!

Lipton profile image
Lipton in reply to Moonglo

Hi, never tried a BSGE clinic, I thought the GP would only refer me there if the diagnosis ends up being endometriosis. I was seen at Royal Free Hospital for my bowel symptoms and was really well taken care of. Thanks, I will try to get referred to the RFH endo clinic, already have an appointment to see my GP by the end of the week, hope he will understand my reservations regarding the surgeon.

Moonglo profile image
Moonglo in reply to Lipton

Ah, I’m not sure if you already need to be diagnosed. Sorry, I assumed you were!

It’s worth a try though. X

Lipton profile image
Lipton in reply to Moonglo

:( All symptoms are consistent with endo, but still no definite diagnosis, which is why the GP referred me to the gynecologist. The consultant keeps pushing for the mirena coil, but I don't do well with progestogen pills (started with Cerazette and now doing Millinette): my period is lighter but never stops and it really affects my mood. Are there really no other options? He keeps saying this is the only possibility, and that it is normal to have period non stop when on progestogen pill. How's that suppose to help, if it is endometriosis??

Moonglo profile image
Moonglo in reply to Lipton

Sorry to hear you feel you’re being cornered. Your gynae can suggest but you have to agree to these suggestions, don’t let him bully you.

It sounds like you need to do some more research, can you contact the Endometriosis UK helpline to go over your options?

I truly believe you will feel more confident once you know what options you have, and how they can fit in around you - after all, you are the expert in your body.

A laparoscopy is the only way to determine one way or another whether you have endo. Maybe the helpline can help in determining whether you can be referred to a bsge clinic?

And/or as Eraj says, try asking for another gynae. X

emmaquinny profile image

Just phone and ask! Tell rather! I did exactly that when I had no confidence in my general gyne. So I found the name of the top endo specialist and phoned both secretary’s, adamantly, explaining I wasn’t told I had a choice initially. It’s made my wait longer but I think it’s worth it. Good luck!

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