Laparoscopy and Mirena coil: Hi there, Last... - Endometriosis UK

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Laparoscopy and Mirena coil

11 Replies

Hi there,

Last week I had my first gyno appointment where he offered me a laparoscopy. Any idea how long I may be waiting for it? They said the wait time is usually 3 months but with the NHS at the moment its probably going to be longer.

Also, the gyno offered to fit the Mirena coil while I was under anaesthetic (I've never had children). I've been reading up on it and I feel like my periods aren't enough of a nuisance to risk the pain associated with having the Mirena. I know every woman has different experiences but the contraction like symptoms don't seem worth it for what my periods are - clotted, irregular and occasionally painful


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11 Replies

Hello Porge7

3 months is usually the waiting time that is given, although mine was closer to six months, due to hospital cancellations.

As regards to the coil.... as you said everyone is different. I have heard some people rave about it and say its fantastic and, others wish they had never had it. Personally, I have never been offered it and I would not accept if I was. I think there are too many instances of things going wrong for my liking.

At the end of the day, you are the best judge of your body and what you think might be necessary. If you feel that your periods and pain etc are not bad enough to have something as drastic as the coil fitted, I would go with your gut instincts.

If at a later date you change your mind, I am sure it would not be a problem to have another referral and get one fitted.

Bets of luck


in reply to

Thankyou ❤️

nic0889 profile image

Hi there,

I have also been offered the same when I have my lap in 3 weeks time. Personally I am not going to have it fitted. I have tried various hormonal treatment to stop periods, makes them less painful but nothing has worked for me but also my mood levels are so affected significantly.

I want to see how I go after the lap and without it first, my thought is I can always try it at a later date if I felt like it.

As said above, everyone is different. I am in so much pain with my endo constantly & usually would be willing to try anything however after having the experiences I have had, I would rather just wait.

Good luck x

in reply to nic0889

Thankyou for your reply. I hope it gets better for you ❤️

HarrietC profile image


I was offered the same coil after seeing a endo specialist about five years ago, I was the same and was worried it would be uncomfortable. I thought my endo wasn't giving me enough grief to try it, eventually my endo got worse and moved into my bowel and left me needing ivf to have a shot at having children. Part of me always thought if I'd had the coil and preserved something would I have had a chance now? I am now having zoladex injections to control my hormones and thinking now the coil doesn't look so bad. I hope the lap goes well and you make the right decision for you.

in reply to HarrietC

Thankyou ❤️

Lulububs profile image

Mirena coil, it like a marmite thing , u either love it or hate it, i was offered it but i said no as i know how hard it will b to get them to take it out if it does not agree with me.

I have a friend who swears by it and has had it for years and years and says it best thing ever!

I have a friend who had one on the recommendations of that friend and it moved and got lost and imbedded itself in her uterus and she ended up in hosp with sepsis.

So it a case of ur either love it or hate it.

The gynaes seem to think it answer to everything but try other things first. Mefamic of transamic acid. A pill of some sorts. Diff pain meds.

I have had two lap no endo found but i suffer terribly to point of fainting and laying on bathroom floor crying but i had a endo specialist both times and apparently it called dysmennorhea( severe period pain and cramps) it like im in labour( the clots are huge hence the trans acid which helps that)

I have found that as soon as i see blood take tran acid and ibup then start the cococodamol 30/500 do not wait for the pain catch it first and i can more or less get through it...

Thanks for your advice. I hope it gets better for you ❤️

thepregnantpause profile image

Can't advise on the Minera, but due a laparoscopy appointment and was told 3-4 months. This was about 3 weeks ago and I contacted the clinic earlier this week to see if I could get a rough date of when it will be confirmed as we're looking at booking a holiday in early Feb. I was told to go ahead and book because it would be after February half term, which will be about 3 and half months.

in reply to thepregnantpause

Ah ok. I think it's just kind of postcode lottery in some cases

thepregnantpause profile image
thepregnantpause in reply to

Yep, it sucks! Hope you get your appointment through soon

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