A Sh!tty Question! Endometriosis and stoo... - Endometriosis UK

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A Sh!tty Question! Endometriosis and stools/ bowel movements/ Bowel resection/shave...

HellyLlewelly profile image
3 Replies

Hi Ladies,

Just wanted to start a conversation surrounding Endometriosis and Bowel habits.

I found out I had severe endometriosis on hysterectomy this year. Before my menses I would have an unloading day, it happened like clockwork, day or two before menstrual bleed I would be on the toilet about 4 times that morning.

Another significant factor was in pregnancy (I just had the one) I would be going 4 times a day and sometimes sit down to pee and Id go No2 also. I even spoke to the Dr of my frequency but no remark was made.

My points are:

Since hysterectomy, it was noted my bowel was riddled and pinned to pelvic cavity by endometriosis. It was shaved of it and Im still on progesterone with my hrt to combat its regrowth.

I still seem to get this "unloading day" and its hitting right around the time my menses would have been due. Ive no ovaries I had a total hysterectomy so no more periods.

Its happened a few months, 4 of 7 say, and sure enough Iook at my calendar and period would have been due on.

I am also experiencing different stool consistencies and more flatulence on resting in the evenings. I also get this unexpected stool deposit when I sit to pee at times. Stooling with gas too that would embarass me out in a stall which thankfully Ive not yet encountered as Im a home body! I never had this gassy stooling before my shave!

This can be, like today, 5 different sittings, all stool and the first of the day almost constipation due to co codemol and afterwards it was all loose.

I really fear even trace endo is affecting my bowel movements.

In pregnamcy it made sense as EVERYTHING had that pressure and extra weight on the bowel as my womb grew with baby inside. I also almost immediately urinated about X3 times more in pregnancy due to the growth, compression and pressure on my "endometriosis" filled abdominal cavity.

I just wanted to provoke thoughts, put out this information, perhaps it may help someone pregnant who was told before their endometriosis was mild or like me 6 years ago removed (i had no idea it could grow back I was never told. )

Perhaps you have not related your bowel habits to endometriosis or menses. Hormone changes can affect stooling pre menses too, getting ready for the clear out loosening things up.

I dont work and wonder with these toilet habits how could I justify 5 movements of a morning.

Maybe you are at work and are struggling with this?

Any points welcome for discussion.

Thank you and wishing you better health - Helly x

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3 Replies
MissyTx profile image

Hi Helly,

I have had 3 laps for severe endo, I had my miracle boy in October 2016 and then in January this year I had a deep shave for bowel endo.

I have just read your post and i can really relate to some of your symptoms. I have not had a hysterectomy but that is currently on the cards I’m just weighing up the decision as I’m worried it may not even solve my problems.

Since my bowel op I’ve suffered from horrendous wind and bowel movements at the time of my period in particular. It’s just awful. I’m riddled with wind pains and it’s so embarrassing. But it only seems to be at the time of my period.

I have recently had some hormone tests and I’m not ovulating now so the chances of a second child are slim. I was desperately hoping that it was my swollen and damaged uterus (I have adenomyosis) that was causing the wind and bowel issues and that a hysterectomy would actually help?!

I am now terrified after reading your story that it may even make things worse 😩😩😩😩😩🤧xx

HellyLlewelly profile image
HellyLlewelly in reply to MissyTx

Hi Missy,

Congratulations on your boy, it seems our children are truly miraculous!

Your womb could be making a big bearing on your issues, I know since mine moved out my bladder has never felt as good! (I had Adenomyosis and a cell proliferation condition, I no longer wake up feeling pain needing to do that 1st day wee and pain during releasing it. I also find since this is gone (March) my husband laps me at loo breaks if we are out having a few socials!

The womb moved out and bladder lept in there first! 😉

I really feel my bowel was causing me issues well before the endometriosis was diagnosed.

What are you like for back pain Missy?

Dating back to 2006 in particular, this being my progressive pain start date. I tried the marena coil to help with my menses but my womb rejected it.

I aso had mild ovarian endo in 2012 and an endometrioma so grotesque they got the wrong ovary from where it started on scan, and went inside by laparoscopy to find it originated on the other ovary and was hidden amongst my organs, chocolate cyst. That came out in 2012 by laparoscopy, hysterscope was mentioned on paperwork.

After a C section in 2014 I reckon the endometriosis spread as it was another operation, more scar tissue more adhesing together.

I couldn't manage my periods within a year of baby, drank ontop of painkillers to cope, but by 2018 January I was bed ridden with mebstrauation symptoms 2 weeks per month, clotting and a host of nasty pain and bodily side effects so in order to speed the process I had to pay privately for my total hysterectomy bso with Endometriosis removal.

- The thing is Missy the bowel has to still be settling. Think of the dust in a hoover bag! It was poked and prodded and shaved and agrivated and its long with lots of nooks for poop to hide etc.

Its just unfortunate that it was on our bowels. It gets left there on a cellular level for fear of them perforating the bowel.

I ALWAYS stool morning to early afternoon so at least my evenings are free of it.

Do you portion any of your pain to ovarian pain etc?

I really sensed I had wonky ovaries and a bulky womb and a low or tilted/mishapen cervix and seems like I was right on all counts.

My cervix gone is no issue to me. I lost no sensation in intercourse and have not had that horrible bumping off the cervix painful shooting feeling as its gone now!

Im only 7 months post hysterectomy and most ladies are saying its 1 to 2 years to feel yourself again.

I need to be patient. Other ladies need to be prepared its not something you snap back from. I was back doing hiit 5 months post c section and loving life!

As a very active person who was into home exercise programmes its set my confidence back that I have some 2.5/3 stones on but I am just going to be safe in the knowledge that it doesnt make me a bad person and my big feeling of "well being" is yet to come!

Forever bumping into grannies telling me the hysterectomy was the best thing for them!

Im going, when, why, where lol...Im obviously much much improved but just not out of pains grip yet and not the whole and happy active me Im used to!


Being patient is tough!

Ask anything you like in the future.

Im sure we are early doors post bowel shave.



HellyLlewelly profile image
HellyLlewelly in reply to HellyLlewelly

Just wanted to update the thread to say my cyclical symptoms were right as I was left with a 25mm x 10 x 10 node of ovarian remnant with endometriosis lodged into my left Uterosacral Ligament.

My bowel was also adhered badly and endometriosis was excised in several places pertaining to bowel/rectum.

We know our bodies.

Surgeon No2 had some clean up job after Suegeon no1 supposedly cured my Endometriosis!

My bowel is in such a better place 7 months post Op.


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