I finally have a date next week for my second laparoscopy with a specialist and I'm feeling sick to my stomach that they won't find anything. I had my first lap last year and they found adhesions but no endo and that was with a general gyne, since then my symptoms have become more bowl related, bleeding from my back passage, daily lower back pain, shooting pain like a cattle prod up my backside. I'm feeling so nervous that I'm getting sick. Is anyone else in the same position? X
Feeling anxious they won't find anything - Endometriosis UK
Feeling anxious they won't find anything

I was in the same position a few days ago before having my 2nd lap - 1st lap found endo and large fibroid then last week adhesions on my bowel. I was also nervous they wouldn’t find anything but the way I managed my nerves was at that at least it was a step forward. If they hadn’t found something then at least it ruled something out then I could move forward with getting help. Good luck!
I've finally been diagnosed with stage 3 endo. Had adhesions on my left ovary and a cyst, adhesions round my bladder and uterus, so glad I pushed for a second lap with a specialist.
Hi, im glad to hear youre finally diagnosed & hope you’re recovering well.
I had my lap last monday & after 2 hours in surgery I woke to be told extensive adhesions but no endo seen. Im worried endo has been missed as im losing blood with stools worse than I was with pain still persisting!
Can I ask how did you go about your specialist referral? My lap was carried out by a gynae not a specialist & worried hes missed it!
Paula xx
Hi Paula, sorry to hear your still undiagnosed. I went through 2 general gynes and said I wanted to be referred to a specialist as I had tried most treatments. Annoyingly they didn't find anything around my bowl which was where I was getting the majority of my issues but have a catch up with the specialist in 6 weeks time.
It's been a frustrating and long process to get to the specialist but keep pushing for answers, fingers crossed your get them xx