Adenomyosis/endo and overactive bladder - Endometriosis UK

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Adenomyosis/endo and overactive bladder

M_Dream profile image
8 Replies

Hey endosiblings !

I have been annoyed by my bladder recently, not for the pain but for number of times I need to pee a day. I thought it was normal at first because I'm drinking a bit of coffee and sometimes beer but it got to a point where I struggle to seat 2 hours in a lecture without needing to go out to pee which makes the situation very awkward when we are not given a break. Or I cannot go to the pub without going to the toilet nearly every 30 minutes etc. The problem is not so much wanting to go to the bathroom, it is the immediate urge need to do so.

I was wondering if anyone have these issues as well and if it could be linked with the endo or not at all. I might go and see the doctor, at least to talk through it and maybe to write a note for uni that lecturers stop looking at me in an annoyed way when i need to go. Do you suffer from it as well? How do you manage ?

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M_Dream profile image
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8 Replies
brokenbladder profile image

I suffer from bladder problems and my urgency can make me stop conversations mid sentence because I need to go! I have endo on my bladder, bladder stuck to my uterus and Interstitial Cystitis so I have answers as to why these things are going on.

I would definitely go and see your GP about it. Could be endo related or something else.

I’ve been caffiene free for two years because of my bladder and that has definitely helped so maybe something to consider xx

M_Dream profile image
M_Dream in reply to brokenbladder

Hey! Thanks for your answer> I'll go and see the GP I think. My key hole surgery diagnostic + MRI didn't show anything on my bladder a year and a half ago so I hope it didn't spread there...

I'm considering caffeine free, I guess I'll have to find another way of getting my energy levels up

Clara12 profile image

I have this and it's endo related. Typically the week before my period and first few days are worst. I have to desperately pee every hour sometimes and it's an urgent about to burst feeling that comes on suddenly.

M_Dream profile image
M_Dream in reply to Clara12

Hey Clara, thanks for you reply ! Do you know what is the cause of it?

Clara12 profile image
Clara12 in reply to M_Dream

I have endo on my bladder. I had it removed which did help but over the last 6 months I suspect it's back as the desperate and frequent need to pee is back. I sympathise with you as I know how frustrating it is and how embarrassing it is to have to excuse yourself for a wee continuously

M_Dream profile image
M_Dream in reply to Clara12

Yeah, it's a really annoying situation. Sometimes people just don't understand and treat you like a child that could hold herself and stop complaining. And then in class, it's not nice !

Thanks for your message though, I hope the endo is not back on your bladder! A lot of positive vibes

emmaquinny profile image

I’m not diagnosed yet but your symptoms and that of the other people that have replied sound very familiar to me and yes it’s a nightmare 🤦🏼‍♀️ I’m really worried as I started passing a large amount of blood and clots in my urine and was in extreme pain with it-which happened to be at the same time as a flare, so I am wondering if it’s all connected, or if I am overreacting. I’m going to try and see my gp tomorrow. I’m well over my 18 weeks of waiting for a lap and my symptoms are getting worse. I am so grateful to hear other people’s stories that I can relate to because this really gets you down sometimes xxx

M_Dream profile image
M_Dream in reply to emmaquinny

Hey! Good luck for your lap. I've learnt with endometriosis that we are rarely overreacting and that there are a lot of connections that doctors still don't understand but that we feel!

A lot of good vibes-

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