Hi all, I have my first gynaecology appointment tomorrow and I have no idea what to expect and I’m really nervous! Would anyone be happy to share their experiences?
1st gynaecology appointment tomorrow - Endometriosis UK
1st gynaecology appointment tomorrow

I had my gynae appointment back in feb, it was really straightforward and wasn’t as bad I was thinking it would be! I got to the appointment and she asked me a lot of questions about my symptoms and she asked me about my period history too. After this she got a nurse in (as a chaperone I guess) and she examined me, it was extremely painful for me, but that’s the main reason my gp finally referred me. She took three swabs and she used the smallest speculum they had which was a metal one!
After the exam she let me get changed and she told me she felt that the next step would be to have surgery and she referred me for a lap. If you have any further questions I’d be happy to answer, alternatively you can message me if you like xxx
Hi Sasha,
I had a very similar experience it wasn't scary, I don't think they examined me the first time but I had been through lots of tests prior via the gp...so I had quite a history he had to read up on because I managed to be sidetracked by the gynecologist for years going in for emergency operations.
Congratulations on your referral and I hope it all goes smoothly for you.
Hey hun, dont be nervous go with a positive thought....when i first went to meet my gynea she did a few tests on my like checking progestrone, prolactin etc then she put me on vitamins and clomid when that didnt work then she told me to do an HSG to check if my tubes are fine then she recommended i do lap to check if everything is fine and theres
no blockage or endo....fortunately all was well so she put me on metformin to get my hormones on level i'm trying that for 3 months hopefully i'm expecting good results by the end of this year
Goodluck lovely xx