Vitamin D connection : I wanted to share... - Endometriosis UK

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Vitamin D connection

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I wanted to share with you something that I had read about and that seems to be helping my symptoms.

The book I read is called 'The China Study' and the book goes into a lot more detail than what I am going to share with you here so you can check that out if you want to know more.

Basically the book goes into detail about the role of vitamin D on the immune system and how this connects to auto immune dieseases, which I'll put a couple of paragraphs from the book below.

'The first step in the vitamin D process occurs when you go outside on a sunny day. When the sunshine hits your exposed skin, the skin produces vitamin D. The vitamin D must then be activated inside the kidney in order to produce a form that helps repress the development of autoimmune diseases.'

'So far, we can see how adequate sunshine exposure, by ensuring enough storage form of vitamin D, helps to prevent cells from becoming diseased. This suggests that certain diseases might be more common in areas of the world where there is less sunshine, in countries nearer the North and South poles. Indeed there is such evidence. To be more specific: in the northern hemisphere, communities that are farther north tend to have more type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, rhumetoid arthritis, osteoporosis, breast cancer, prostate cancer and colon cancer in addition to other diseases.'

Like I said the book goes into far greater detail about vitamin D and how the body utilizes it, but so far I have been really surprised by the effects it seems to be having on my symptoms in such a short amount of time.

I started taking a vitamin D supplement about 3 months ago right after one of my periods ended, so I was taking it nearly a full month before my next period and when I got my next period I had no pain or cramping, my period was bang on time, which never happens, mine is normally all over the place and the bleeding was very light which again never happens, normally it's extremely heavy but this time it wasn't.

I am going to continue taking it because it seems to be working and I'm sure there is a possible link between endometriosis and vitamin D? I take 2500i.u. per day, except for when I'm out in the sun all day then I don't see the need to supplement when my body would have made a sufficient amount from the sun.

Sorry for the long post but I'm sure this could help at least some of you as it seems to be helping me but it's only been 3 months so will have to wait and see. Plus this is obviously not a cure and the immune system is a very intricate system that will probably require more than just one supplement to fix it but if it can ease your symptoms like it seems to be doing with mine then I don't see any harm in taking it :) xx

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1 Reply

Thanks for this very useful. I have found when I am out in the sun Since having endometriosis that it really makes me feel good and helps settle the pain a bit.

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