Bloated stomach : Just wanted to post this... - Endometriosis UK

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Bloated stomach

33 Replies

Just wanted to post this so no one thinks they are alone with having a bloated stomach. It's a daily thing for me now, I literally can't remember the last time my stomach was flat and I'm a size 8. Here I'm lying down when I stand up it's bigger 😂 But all we can do is embrace it and accept it xx

33 Replies
princessk09 profile image

Hey, I know how you’re feeling, I struggle everyday with bloating and it’s honestly awful. I have to wear baggy tops otherwise it will look like I’m pregnant 😫😂

in reply to princessk09

Me too 😂 I am investing in a new wardrobe of clothes and just buying baggy things!!

princessk09 profile image
princessk09 in reply to

Yeah haha, even wearing leggings can get uncomfy if the bloating becomes bad xx

in reply to princessk09

Oh yeah definitely when that happens I just wear a baggy long dress or just pull my leggings down below my waist xx

BlossomKatie93 profile image

I always wondered if bloating was a symptom of Endo, I suffer really badly with it, one minute I’m completely flat and next minute it looks like I’m 3 months pregnant x

in reply to BlossomKatie93

Definitely is a symptom I am 25 now had bad periods since I was 12/13, and from what I can remember I have always had a bloated stomach because of the endo! It honestly is like being 3 months pregnant x

Jajo1987 profile image

Hi glad you posted this as this has been depressing me the last few months I've always been thin and it's now looks like I'm six months pregnant really knocked my confidence, I honestly don't understand where the bloating comes from with it because I've had endo for years but only recently have had the belly with it xx

in reply to Jajo1987

I'm glad it's helped!! I know it's easier said than done but don't let it get you down it's not worth it, I'm just understanding what I can and can't wear now, buying more bagging things but still trying to make it look good if possible. I feel as I have got older it's got worse it's becoming a constant thing now xx

:-( Bloating is such an awful thing to deal with on a daily basis. I hate having to keep 'big' clothes and 'small' clothes, and feeling cut in half when sitting at work. I have found that eating a low FODMAP diet does help, although it's not perfect. Anything is worth a try though! It might be worth checking you don't have any big cysts that might be causing the prolonged bloating - just in case. X

in reply to

Tell me about it! I try to keep my bottoms tight like jeans and then a baggy top but recently I can't wear jeans anymore as that hurts too much or anything that's tight around the stomach! Exactly I think it's trying everything and seeing if it works for you. I hope the diet is helping il definitely give it a go! I had my lap in October she didn't mention any cysts unfortunately I think it's just the endo 🙄 but il probably go and see her for a check up soon x

Suzileverell profile image

I get really bad bloating as well but it's only when I'm on my period or just before it's really awful and embarrassing. I haven't been diagnosed with endo but my symptoms are very similar. The Dr's still can't work out what it is yet but I do have polycystic ovary's as well. So it could be to do with that. I would definitely have a word with you're Dr about it.

Wish you the best of luck xx

in reply to Suzileverell

That definitely seems like it is endo! Have you got a lap booked in to check? Oh yea polycystic ovary can cause that too so it could be both or just that but definitely get a lap to check! I need go have a check up with my gyno soon so il have a word with her then! Thanks you too, hope you get the answers you need xxx

Suzileverell profile image
Suzileverell in reply to

That's what my Dr thought so I did have a lap about 4 weeks ago but no endo was found. But they did find my ovary was stuck to the pelvic floor wall. They don't know why and they told me I run a risk of it sticking again. I was told endo can cause organs to get suck but because they didn't find any they don't know. I was surprised because all my symptoms are one's of endo.

It'll be worth asking about it. sometimes different foods and drinks can make me swell up as well.

Thank you and I hope you get you're self sorted really not a nice thing to have to live with. Xxx

Clover123 profile image

I know exactly how you all feel. It gets me down a lot but nothing we can do really is there?! I actually had someone ask me how far gone I was because they thought I was pregnant and on holiday I was walking rubbing my stomach to try ease the pain and they thought I was pregnant 😩 what do you find helps you? Xx

in reply to Clover123

Oh no 😩 next time I would just go along with it and say yeah I'm due soon 😂 honestly I haven't found anything that helps me, clothes wise I'm finding that jeans don't really go well as it hurts my stomach and just buying more clothes that don't show it as much! I have tried to drink peppermint tea as that helps but i don't like the taste so that's gone out of the window! Maybe try drinking that and seeing if it helps xx

Clover123 profile image
Clover123 in reply to

Have you tried the fodmap? I try to drink peppermint but can only do so much makes me feel sick! I’m the same as you with jeans and at work when I had skirts some days I’d have to sit with them undone because it was so uncomfortable! I wear trousers now but the next size up so when I bloat it’s a bit better for me xx

in reply to Clover123

No I haven't tried the foodmap but I will definitely look into that! The thing is I have this attitude I don't know if it's good or bad but I love food and honestly I don't think I could live on a food map sometimes I just feel like I will suffer the bloated stomach 😂 yeah that's how I feel with peppermint tea it's not something you drink on a regular basis! Yes I'm the same il just undo the button or if it's leggings or something I will roll them down a bit so it's on not sitting on my stomach xx

Caz-1 profile image

Gets me down a lot too. I had major surgery including total hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo oopherectomey plus removal of endo everywhere, just under 7 hours worth of surgery .. it was 13 weeks ago now and I'm back at work on a phased return but I'm still get the bloated swollen pregnant look.. not nice, I'm just trying to learn it's.maybe just me and I've to accept it :/ xx

in reply to Caz-1

Oh wow!! Hope it went well and have recovered! Especially after surgery it will be bloated! I think the key is learning to accept it it's taken me a while to do that but now I have and honestly it doesn't even bother me as much anymore! I'm just like ok it's not going anywhere might as well get used to it and after a while you don't even notice it it's like it's a natural thing xx

PaoPetite profile image

Hey! Just like mine it’s something that we all have to live and deal with! It’s extremely uncomfortable and painful .... and the worst is that your muscles become softer and then when loosing the bloating you have some skin hanging there 😞!

in reply to PaoPetite

Yes!! I hate the feeling I get like my muscles are stretching that's when I know I need to sit down or take a break 🙄 what I do to help is keeping my stomach toned by exercising! It does help with keeping the skin not becoming loose!!

PaoPetite profile image
PaoPetite in reply to

Really happy that you can actually exercise! That wasn’t an option for me!form size 6 to size 10 now! It is what it is and I have to accept it. I am walking 🚶🏽‍♀️ 40 mins everyday so hopefully it helps me to loose some pounds off! X

in reply to PaoPetite

Can't you do classes in the gym and do it at your own pace? That's what I do and I just take it easy when I can feel the endo flare up or start to hurt! Yeah But then again walking is the best exercise! They say that helps more than going to the gym or anything like that so that will definitely help you! Hope you see results soon x

Aurorasparkle profile image


Totally empathise. I was told that my bloating was a symptom of my endo by endo consultant at an accredited centre. My bowel is stuck to my womb and I get terrible pains going to try toilet but they won't do anything unless I grow another endometromia as I have severe nerve pain in my pelvis form the endo growing on the nerves and they don't want to make the pain worse.


in reply to Aurorasparkle

Oh god that sounds horrible!! Surely there must be something they can do!! I hope you find some sort of relief xxx

Aurorasparkle profile image
Aurorasparkle in reply to

Thanks xxx

Sez73 profile image

I feel for you greatly you poor soul. I get exactly the same, has got worse as I've got older and with more surgery I've had. I'm gutted as, like you, I'm a size 8 yet have to wear big baggy things for comfort and to try and cover the bloat. I managed to get a few baggy gypsy style trousers for the summer with stretchy waistbands which have helped a lot and don't have anything tight to dig in. On a superficial level, it's so galling to be slim everywhere else yet have this big swollen belly that I can't do anything about. Also have struggled to conceive for 7 years so when anyone does make a remark about me possibly being pregnant, it's a double blow. It really sucks doesn't it. While I can't give any useful advice, I can send a big comforting hug to you and my understanding in that I know how horrid it is and stand with you. Hope you get a little respite soon x x

in reply to Sez73

I'm sorry to hear about trying to conceive and not having any luck 😔 it's the worse knowing you can't and then people say comments like that, sometimes people need to be a bit more considerate and not even open their mouths when they don't know people's situations. Those stretchy trousers are the best really do help! Thank you, you too xxx

Ememej profile image

Most of you say we have to deal with with it... I dont want too! I also went from a size 6-10 I hate it...I hate when ppl ask me if I'm prego...I say no I'm fat! The past 2 yrs have been horrible & now I read even after a full endo removal & histo your still bloated 🤣🤣 I'm hoping to have that surgery soon.. I wish everyone the best of luck & we find a cure soon... to many ppl suffer with this.

in reply to Ememej

I know what you mean it's frustrating 😩 even after my lap I'm still bloated!! Hope the lap goes well for you!

bexter73 profile image

Please try the fodmap diet - it’s literalky changed my life. I’ve gone from daily painful bloating to hardly any BUT i have to admit it’s hard keeping it up. I’ve found dairy products and sugar are real triggers but everyone’s different.

Roxy11 profile image

I have to wear a suit each day and it's impossible to not look huge when I bloat up. I just hide behind my desk. Work dresses are even worse!

in reply to Roxy11

I can imagine!! We just can't win

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