Hi all, hope you are well.
Just thought I'd reach out for some advice or similar experiences. Also a bit of a vent so apologise in advance, this is going to be a novel 😂.
I'm 19 and currently on the Levlen pill.
I have been dealing with chronic right side pain for almost 3 years. Higher vaginal/cervical and higher rectal pain alongside severe menstrual pain since first starting my periods at age 11.
Painful cycles are Joyously part of my families medical history so I never thought anything of it. Though when I started having my side pains with no evidence of anything really, I ended up doing all the ultrasounds, blood, urine, pregnancy and swab tests. (I'm sure most of you can relate, some even more so.) with no answers as the pathology centre quickly becoming my second home.
Appointment after appoinment with docters either sending me home with a box of advil or saying to just rest.(or throw some random script for something expensive that didn't work) I finally found a docter that took me seriously and was refurred to a gynae. She was lovely and thought as an option before sugery was to try the pill.
I have been on levlen for 5 months now continuously without bleeding as directed without spotting or anything of the kind. Though the bleeding was all that it stopped.
My cycles have continued on without it, monthly period pain, ovulation pain, PMS and skin breakouts. All on time even without an actual period.
I received my Laproscopy a week ago on 26th of June with my gynae telling me she was doubtful she would find anything because the pill had done nothing ( which I thought was odd as I heard it was a common occurrence) and would only have to make the 2 incisions.
Almost 2 hours later I woke up in horrific pain from the gas, though the staff were gorgeous and did everything they could do to drug me up and make me comfortable 😂. I asked my recovery nurse how it went and she told me they had found Endo on the outside of my uterus, behind my cervix and on my lower bowel and that they ended up making extra incisions. Though I was feeling pretty crappy at the time I was ecstatic. Finally, something good.
Though only a weeks gone by I've lost hope. My chronic side pain is unchanged along with everything else. From 3 weeks leading to surgery I never slept of a night for what I believe to be a hormone in balance from the pill. ( it's happened to me before with a different medication). Nurses gave me oxygen because I looked so shocking, they were shocked themselves when I told them I'd come in like that.
A few days after, once the anaesthetic finally wore off we are straight back to not sleeping. It's currently 3am here so thought I'd vent. I'm not on my phone of a night(unless its been over 3 hours otherwise i start stressing out and start losing my marbles), I don't sleep through the day, and I have nothing with caffeine or anything along those lines either.
I'm hoping that once everything internally calms down things will get better with my pain but as of now I'm finding it hard to believe.
What's next for me?
What else can I do?
There's only so many options I have at 19...
Its all honesly ruined and ruining my life. School went downhill quickly, cant find work like this in a labour driven region, even in general.
My mental health has taken a dive alongside it all. It's all to much really.
Damn this really did turn into a sappy novel, sorry everyone, just sort of needed somewhere to put this and honestly everyone on here has experienced so much. Though it's horrible to say I'm glad there are others out there dealing with it all aswell.
Again apologies for the sap.
If anyone has and advice or experiences they'd like to share please comment I'd love to heard them.
Also if you have any questions for me, and I mean anything! Drop them in the comments aswell, I'm tough and tend to overshare so go for it😂!
Thank you all xxxxx