Pelvis: Hi All, The hospital think I'm an... - Endometriosis UK

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Nat21 profile image
16 Replies

Hi All,

The hospital think I'm an Endo sufferer but not confirmed I've got it yet but they are rather sure.

I used to get sharp stabbing pains but now it's more aching, dies anyone else get aching in there pelvis ?

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Nat21 profile image
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16 Replies
weekari profile image

Yes, all the time. It's like a gnawing feeling, really horrible. I find trying to keep things mobilised as much as possible helps. I do yoga, see a chiropractor and physio. I also get a lot of hip and back pain. I basically feel like a 90 year old with arthritis!

I've only recently been diagnosed with severe endo so haven't tried any medical approaches yet.

Nat21 profile image
Nat21 in reply to weekari

Thanks for this wasn't sure if it was just me. It's awful I'm only 21 and feel about 70 some day haha, I thought I was the only other one with aching because nobody else had seemed to have had aching

weekari profile image
weekari in reply to Nat21

Yeah I've not got many of the typical symptoms. My periods aren't an issue at all and I'm in pain all the time, not just when I've got my period. I also have awful fatigue that's preventing me from working.

I actually only found out I had endo from seeing orthopaedics about my back & hip pain. They actually did think I had arthritis but my joints are totally fine.

If I were you I'd push to get referred to gynae.

Nat21 profile image
Nat21 in reply to weekari

I'm seeing Gynae waiting for my lap I'm always tired I struggle with it too the back pain is horrific.

The hospital are pretty sure it's Endo waiting on the lap but is it normal for nothing to show up on scans of you don't mind me asking? X

weekari profile image
weekari in reply to Nat21

I think I'm a bit of an anomaly but I've had a lap and they didn't find anything. They only saw fibroids on ultrasound as well as bulky & tilted uterus. I was then discharged from gynae with ibs (2 yrs so) even though my digestion was fine. I was later referred to orthopaedics for my hip & back pain and had an mri recently that showed all the endo. It's everywhere so I don't know why it was missed. I'm meeting with the surgeon who did the mri in a couple of weeks ago hopefully I'll find out what's gone wrong.

Usually is not seen on ultrasound which is why they do the lap. Superficial endo isn't usually seen on mri is usually just when it's severe. 🙄

Nat21 profile image
Nat21 in reply to weekari

Yeah everything's come back normal all my tests, just want to get sorted and back on track. And good luck with the surgeon hope all goes well :) x

Kerry_M profile image
Kerry_M in reply to Nat21

Hi Nat, nothing ever showed up on any scans for me either. Only when I persisted and had a laparoscopy, then they found the endo. Good luck.

Nat21 profile image
Nat21 in reply to Kerry_M

Hi Kerry, thank you have pre op assessment next month so hopefully I get sorted x

princessk09 profile image

Hey, I’m waiting for a lap to get diagnosed but I get this dull achey feeling all over my pelvis all month.

I describe my feeling as if an elephant is sat on my lower stomach haha.

My scans came back clear but my doctor and gynae still suspect endo due to my long list of symptoms xx

Nat21 profile image
Nat21 in reply to princessk09

Yeah I'm the same it's such a dull achy feeling like something heavy is on you, I'm new to this site and it's so helpful knowing other people feel the same and there's people who are going back through similar feelings xx

FedUp2013 profile image
FedUp2013 in reply to Nat21

Hello, I joined this site because the symptoms I’m seeing on here are much like my own and I’ve had many visits to my GYN tying to get answers and all they do is ultrasounds and tell me they see some cysts but nothing major. I’m so frustrated! I’ve had problems since 2013 when I had my Mirena removed and got pregnant right away and miscarried, since then I have never been the same. I’m constantly spotting brown, I know when I get my period because it’s the bright red but then I get the brown again for most of the time on and off. I also have a very tender feeling at times, sometimes even just sitting hurts so much as if my uterus is just so low or something and then it gets pushed up when I sit. A lot of times I wake up like that in the morning I’ve noticed. I just feel so damaged. I feel like it didn’t help in my last relationship, the fact that I barely felt comfortable enough to be intimate, always feeling disgusted with myself! I’m 42 and I feel like I’m just done, if this doesn’t stop I will never feel comfortable pursuing a relationship because I don’t feel comfortable having intercourse. It’s been well over a year since I’ve had sex and I have no desire because of these issues. I don’t know what I can do, I’m sick of being told it’s nothing. I just deal with it I wear panty liners everyday but I never completely feel comfortable. I feel like I’m 82 instead of 42, I feel hopeless and have just come to terms with the fact that I will never be with a man for the rest of my life. I feel like no man wants someone damaged this way. Can anyone relate? I don’t know anyone else who even knows what I mean.

Nat21 profile image
Nat21 in reply to FedUp2013

Sorry to hear that, I've felt embarrassed myself during intimacy as I sometimes bleed quite heavily so I know how you feel. However, just keep pushing and pushing with the hospital and doctors I had to for them to even investigate further, insist they remove them and keep going back until they do. Hear if you need a chat I find the thought of a relationship worse the fact that I'll have to tell "by the way there's probably going to be blood everywhere" is not a conversation I want to have at all x

k77a profile image
k77a in reply to FedUp2013

yes I can relate. I am only 31but last relstionship, I was told I was selfish be cause I didnt like sex much but the pain was excruciating. I had trouble expressing myself. lookiny back I have always had issues with periods. But in last 5 years after a miscarriage I started to get horrendous headaches, back pain, lower dull ache, either sharp pain otr dull ache every day. But before oeriod and during Is the worst I cqn barely funtion. fatigue is an understatement, then there's the mental aspect. I have adhesion scar tissue, which I presume is from the miscarriage and more fluid than usual in pouch of douglas. I was with gyna in 2015.Didnt have laproscopy due to general anxiety disorder. 3 years later the pain has increased I am on meneferic acid and tramexic. I wish they done the lap then but you live and learn. I'm referred to urology and gynae. I definitely think the mc made things worse. As far as relationships are concerned, they will need to be a very caring loving sensitive man. I life in hope

Nat21 profile image
Nat21 in reply to k77a

I'm sorry to hear that, I understand how you feel mines goes from a stabbing pain to such a dull ache. I'm on mefanemic acid too ( if that's how you spell it)

kayleighm24 profile image

Hey I've had the pain all the time slowly getting worse to the point I can't sleep from being double over but I've another op on thursday

Nat21 profile image
Nat21 in reply to kayleighm24

Good luck with your op! And yes I find the pain really bad I ended up in hospital 2 weeks ago it was so bad x

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