I've read on the endo UK website that they have monthly meet ups in London for people who have endo, the meet ups can provide help, support, and a chance for you to meet people who also have endo. Sometimes there are nurses there to answer questions. Just wondering if anyone goes to them? if so, what are they like? I know theres one coming up in April in London, and quite interested in going, but not sure about it and dont want to be the only person that turns up etc...
Anyone go to the monthly London Hospital ... - Endometriosis UK
Anyone go to the monthly London Hospital meet ups for Endo Group?

Hi yes I have been to a few, is this one at guys hospital? It's always packed and there is normally guest speaker who talks about a certain part of endo and then you can ask questions and at the end it's just an open chat between all the ladies there you can ask each other questions and just share stories x
Hi Christina, yes its the one in Guys Hospital. That's great, sounds like an interesting meet up. Are you going to the one in April? Hopefully I will see some of you ladies there. xx
I've been going to the one at UCLH for months now - there's maybe 20 women there each time, and it's lovely and supportive. I would very much recommend going!
Hi I would love to go to the one at guys . Do you have to book or can you just turn up ? I am a patient. If yes can you tell me time and date please x

Hi Pink777,
If you are interested in joining the London Support Group or finding out more information, please fill out the local group enquiry form.
If you do not hear back from the support group since sending your enquiry and are interested in an upcoming meeting, do feel free to just go along!
You can find dates and times here:
The next one at Guys is on 20th March from 6:30-8pm.
Hope this helps!
Thank you it does I will go along