Going for Choc cyst laparotomy, want to h... - Endometriosis UK

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Going for Choc cyst laparotomy, want to hear your experiences.

Noorahikari profile image
13 Replies

Hi. It was a chance discovery as they were trying to find out why I have Low Hgb (red blood). Initial scan on the 5th Dec found 2 cysts of 9cm,6cm on right ovary only so dr recommended laparoscopy.

Returned for a proper ultrasound scan a month later and sonographer found a 13cm Choc cyst on the left and 3 cysts in the right (9cm, 2cm, 3cm). Looks like 9cm might be normal but they are suspecting endometrioma as well since they say it grows bilaterally. Hence, Dr will now go for laparotomy. (To be honest, based on memory, the 13cm cyst was found earlier on which he saw as 9cm but the 6cm I couldn’t really see so I don’t remember it, not sure how he could have said it was on the right only)

I hope he save my ovaries, even if it’s one but current prognosis is possibility of losing the left ovary. I’m a technician so it’s a physical job, how long is the full recovery? My friends who has had csect said it’s 2 years, will it be the same as us? Dr said it’ll be a 5-6cm bikini line cut (might be more depending on situation).

I’ve been reading through but mainly experiences of laparoscopy and functional cysts. I would love to hear more about laparotomy and chocolate cyst.

Btw, I only have mild pain during period up till about 2015-mid 2017 when I felt intense pain on my right pelvic which was making it hard for me to pee and felt like fainting. But it was suddenly gone and then the longer period and spotting afterwards begin. My period is heavy 2-3 days. Otherwise, I wouldn’t suspect of having endometriosis.

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Noorahikari profile image
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13 Replies
PCollind profile image


Underwent TAH BSO with bowel dissection a fortnight ago. It was a 8" incision and 4 hours plus surgery complicated due to severe adhesions. Had chocolate cysts on one and complex on other basically everything including cervix was badly infected and multiple fibroids in uterus took epidural lidocaine. Currently am facing lot of post surgery complications some days feel as good as new and by evening am a shivering painful mess unable to move. Will pray for you and hope you have no adhesions feel they complicated everything. Also have low hb and pcv and TSH 5. Was up on the 2nd day of surgery but just not stabilising feel severe infection in the pelvic region. All the best.

Noorahikari profile image
Noorahikari in reply to PCollind

Did you know, going in, that you would be undergoing such a complex surgery?

Was the 8” incision as expected due to cyst size or it was because there were discoveries?

Did you suffer pains prior to this?

I too have Low hb so currently am taking iron pills.

I hope that it will get better for you soonest! Not being able to move does seem a little worrying! Do take care!

PCollind profile image
PCollind in reply to Noorahikari

I expected it could be complicated because i suspected adhesions were severe the incision was due to adhesions and bowel involvement also the condition of the organs severe infection made them very friable so cervix also was taken out even though it was initially not decided. Recovery seems slow am having side effects of lidocaine numbness and tingling in legs. BP and pulse and temperature were just not stabilising just improving now. I have low Bp. Now lymph nodes are inflamed. Am a very active person seem to be up and about one day but really down the next. All the best and a big hug.

Noorahikari profile image
Noorahikari in reply to PCollind

It’s scary how a surgery that we hope can help us also can cause other things. I hope you’re doing better now. The doctor just told me that I have stage 4 endo and he just said to live with it if there’s no pain.. I mean I don’t know, I took Lupron based on his suggestion to calm down the system. But I won’t be seeing him again next time (due to different paying class). I do have some inner thigh soreness here and there, not sure if it’s due to endo or something else. Anyway...

Disco83 profile image

Hi there,

Don't know if I can help but I am 2 wks post op. I had an 8cm endometrioma removed from right ovary and a 4cm endometrioma with a 6cm normal cyst attached. My ovaries were 'kissing' and it was all a big mass attached round the back of my uterus. Consultants words after surgery were 'what a mess'.

I have incision in belly button and 3 very small ones on bikini line she managed to do it through key hole and saved my ovaries so am very lucky. My consultant said 3 to 4 wks recovery. So far I am walking around fine but no heavy bending or lifting and quite a bit of backache due to where the cysts were. Hope this helps a bit. Good luck xx

Noorahikari profile image
Noorahikari in reply to Disco83

My dr said that he won’t do keyhole and only laparotomy. I wish it was keyhole since the recovery seems to be better. But a second opinion did say it seems like it’s reaching my bellybutton where if they did keyhole, they might burst it.

And that’s awesome that both your ovaries were saved!

Did you have brown discharge? Like could it possibly be the endometria leaking? I always wonder if that’s what mine is.

Disco83 profile image
Disco83 in reply to Noorahikari

Aaaa right that explains why not a laparoscopy then as my cysts were in the back. They had pulled my ovaries behind my uterus 🙈.

I didn't use to get a.lot of discharge in between periods but sometimes my periods were short and the end would be like thick brown blood. Not sure if that's the endometrioma leaking I think it's just another symptom of endo. Sorry not much help 😣.

Noorahikari profile image
Noorahikari in reply to Disco83

Well, the dr that’s going to operate on me didn’t explain to me that, he just said it’s too big for lap and it won’t be a complete job. He would prefer to go in and do a proper removal as much as possible. I figured he knows better than me hahaha. X)

I see a lot of lap done on choc cyst though with about the same size but often one or normal cyst with bigger size. And if they could “unstick” a pulled uterus with lap, that sounds as amazing too.

I see. Hey it’s ok! Thank you for sharing. :)

Priyanag profile image
Priyanag in reply to Noorahikari

Hey ,

I am priya(30yrs old trying to conceive)and I was diagnosed with 6cm chocolate cyst on my right ovary when I was18yrs old and my dr insisted me for a laparoscopic surgery. Nonone at tht time mentioned the work endometriosis. I underwent the surgery and may be for few months had less painful periods but then again the pain started and I used to bleed a lot during my periods but I ignored it by taking pain killers.

Then I got married when I was 27 and after 6 months of my married life we went to consult a gynaecologist to know why I was not able conceive. Then they said I suffer from severe endometriosis and I have 6 cm cyst in my left ovary and 5 cm cyst in my right ovary. Also I had right hydrosalphinx and hence my right Fallopian tube had to be disconnected. All these were done through laparoscopy in 2015. After this I was given 3 doses of Lupron and then my first ivf cycle was done which unfortunately failed. After tht we took a gap of 2 yrs but my endo came back again and this time it was worse. The cyst was huge and it measured 10cm on my left and many small cysts in my right ovary. The doctors had told it's a very complicated case and I have lots and lots of adhesions which makes the surgery very complicated. But somehow they could do it through lap only and it's 20 days post my laparoscopy now and I am recovering slowly along with zolodex injection. Now the doctors have told my eggs will be of very low quality and so I should go for donor eggs.

Before going for the surgery please take a second opinion and check if they can handle ur cysts with laparoscopy

All the best dear!

Noorahikari profile image
Noorahikari in reply to Priyanag

Hi! Thank you for your reply! I just went through the laparotomy few days ago. They managed to remove my choc cyst and a cyst on the peritoneum which was fluid filled (that’s another mystery currently being guessed attributed to endometriosis). I was given the luprin(?) injection to stop my period though I had my period 2 days after the surgery.. I really don’t want to go through another surgery and my main concern is the reoccurrence of the choc cyst or endometriosis in general. Because prior to this, I didn’t really have any symptoms.

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image


Thought this might be of some interest to you xxx

Noorahikari profile image
Noorahikari in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

Wow thank you! I shall find out more about serrapaptase. Lots of love!

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to Noorahikari

Your welcome I cleared my tubes with it also xxx

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