Hi, Just wondering if anyone gets period like cramps when jogging? I went for a jog last night and got pretty full on period-like cramps with pain down my legs for a good 5-10 minutes. It has happened before but seems to be more of an ad how thing.
Running Pains: Hi, Just wondering if anyone... - Endometriosis UK
Running Pains

I have only experienced this since going back to the gym post lap. Before my excision surgery I never experienced this. Weird, I wonder what it's about!
I haven't been able to run for few years now because I get pains like you describe, is nuts really because all I did was sports.
Iv had to find other hobbies that are less strenuous it's demoralising but need to listen to your body.
Everyone different and at different stages with some woman it helps to exercise. Do you do yoga or Pilates? That might be a good substitute till your in less pain to run.
Keep smiling X
Hi, no, but I would think it’s because you have adhesions or at least that your organs in the pelvis are a bit restricted in their movement with less pelvic fluid around to help them move. It is however advised in those cases to keep exercising. Do you have the same when you do only stretches or yoga?

Hi Esmeraldave4, it has only happened when running. I don’t really do yoga - not enough upper body strength currently! Was thinking it might mean things are a bit connected or restricted in that region.
I'm currently undiagnosed so I don't know if my circumstances are similar to yours. But, I often experience this when running, cross training or cycling at a high intensity - it feels like cramp or a stitch in the right lower side of my stomach
I don't run, but do lots of aerobic and interval type exercise and I get the same
I've started taking pain relief before go!!x
Hello! Yes I feel your pain. I am a keen runner, running around 15 miles a week, and every single time I run I have sharp pains/ cramps during the run and bleed straight after/ spot for 24 hours after. I have both endometriosis and adenomyosis and my gynaecologist says it is a symptom of adenomyosis. I am determined not to let it beat me and will not give up my running but it is getting worse. I’m currently discussing treatment options at the moment. I would be very interested to know how other runners deal with this.
I do. It only happens during my luteal phase. About 15 minutes into a run I will get horrible cramps like the worst period ever and I have to sit for about 5-10 minutes. Then it goes away and I’m good to run again for as long as I want. It’s so strange. I haven’t found anything that helps. I try to keep my runs to my follicular phase but if I really want to run during my luteal phase I just plan extra time in my run.
Every opp you have will cause other issues, you fix one problem and get another. I can nolonger run or cycle, even swimming can give me pain. Walking on uneven surfaces rocks the pelvic. Just do a little exercise then take a short break and see what your body tells you, then do a bit more. If you enjoy the exercise that's grate but don't do it if not. I use a ball and do core exercise. Push ups, stretches, also you need to keep the rest in reserve for dealing with the pain, lack of sleep and maintaining work and chores.