Had my 2nd lap yesterday and they found n... - Endometriosis UK

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Had my 2nd lap yesterday and they found nothing. I am feeling embarrassed and I don't know how to progress

Smor profile image
4 Replies

I had my first lap 10 years ago after a severe episode of pelvic pain. I got diagnosed with endometriosis and the consultant said it would return as it's an incurable disease. Over the past 2 years the pain I recognised to be endometriosis got worse; painful sex, bloating, pains before during and after period, stabbing pains, fatigue and gradually the pain was no longer just when I was having my period but all month.

I was referred for a lap and had it yesterday, taking for granted that they would find it, zap it out and I could be pain-free again. Unfortunately the Gyn told me there was no signs of it, she said this thinking I'd be relieved but that wasn't the case for me. I am devastated. It is making me question everything. My partner of 7 years, although he hasnt said it, is probably doubting me as I had told him how painful being intimate was and that's been really affecting our relationship. I feel so guilty and embarrassed, everyone thought that I'd be pain free after this op, my life (personal and work) would start functioning again. I don't know what to do or what to say to anyone.

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4 Replies
Lulububs profile image


I have had exactly same problem...

For years i have suspected endo but it was till this year it become crippling so had a lap and nothing!! Was totally healthy.

Im now in process of seeing a pelvic floor physio as they think this is my problem...

I think it could b right as i cannot have sex and i have muscular pain in hip back and pelvic area it feel like it dragging down...

So mayb this could b ur problem .

Although at mo im being tested that i have no prolapse to as my physio thought she felt something

-ALiViA- profile image

Hello x

I had a lap 6 days ago and they found nothing. My gyno said she was sure I had it based on my symptoms etc. I also get pain all month now.

Every one at the hospital kept saying it was ‘good news’. I just kept crying. I was exactly like you.. hoping work would be easier after the op, hoping to have more energy back, hoping to return to my sport, hoping to have sex. Always knowing and accepting it could come back at some point.

Having found nothing has left me confused and anxious. I’ve not told work the ‘good news’. I feel like I’ve been telling them fibs.

However the stronger side of me pushed for an MRI scan. I have been referred to look for Adenomyosis.

Maybe this is something you could ask for?

I saw my doctor today and she was very supportive, she has backed me all the way so far. It means a lot to have some one ‘in the know’ to speak to when you feel beaten. Do you have a gp you can talk things through with?

So many women on here say don’t give up, we know our bodies best!

I love that, and it makes me feel stronger every time I read it, hope it does to you too x

Smor profile image
Smor in reply to -ALiViA-

I am definitely going to go to my GP and ask for advice; I am fairly new to the area so haven't built up any sort of relationship with them yet. I thought it was fairly straight forward; I have a diagnosis and I wanted another round of treatment for it but now I am SO confused. If I have endometriosis could I potentially have Adenomyosis too? I am up for trying anything to get a diagnosis so I can have validation for my pain but totally acknowledge how unhealthy that is.

I am so glad for this support on here, most of the time I feel no-one understands.

The only positive I am thinking of is that once I have recovered from the lap I can start trying for a baby. If everything looked healthy then surely that's my silver lining! X

-ALiViA- profile image
-ALiViA- in reply to Smor

Yes endometriosis and Adenomyosis can go hand in hand.

When I first started my periods my mum said ‘it means your a lady and you can have babies’. I was just turned 11.

Every period every pain I’ve always thought was an ok sacrifice for a baby.

So I think a baby is a perfect silver lining to have x

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