15 days and counting until diagnosis. Lit... - Endometriosis UK

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15 days and counting until diagnosis. Little history about me as my first post on here.

Tinycat_88 profile image
1 Reply

Hello everyone, I'm Sophie, just joined here. I'm 29 and 15 days until my laparoscopy which I'm hoping will diagnose me with Endo. I say hoping because I'm so fed up with all the problems I've had over the years. It is also in my family history, both my Nanny and Auntie were found to have Endometriosis when they had hysterectomies. My Mum has also had a hysterectomy but Endo was not found. The ladies in my family have not had much success with their lady stuff!! I am told my Nanny tried 7 years until finally conceiving, my Auntie ended up having IVF treatment to have children. My Mum was very lucky to fall pregnant with me easily and escape Endo. Unfortunately my Nanny died from Ovarian cancer when I was very young but I'm told I'm so very much like her, and I've always known in my gut something is very wrong inside me. I am currently in a relationship of almost 4 years, my previous relationship was 4 years. In the last 8 years I have chosen not to use contraception, just listening to my body as I said I just knew something wasn't right within, I just knew I couldn't conceive. Over the past couple of years I have begun to want children, before it didn't bother me but now it does greatly. I am very concerned I wont be able to have children with my partner as I so desperately want his babies!! (I'm stupidly in love, he kinda knows I want children but he's not the emotional type so he doesn't like talking about that stuff) Anyway the future looks dim and I've 15 days until my first laparoscopy to look for Endo.

I have suffered excruciating pain form time to time but I think my vegan diet helps with that. I have been vegan for 3 years now and I would highly recommend trying it for those of you ladies suffering with diet issues. I now realise what this 'pulling' pain thing is after reading some of your posts. It literally comes out of no where, I cant breathe properly or stand up straight. It can happen just getting out of the car or even just turning over in bed at night, I cant explain it but I can barley move when it happens. I battle with chronic IBS symptoms, bloating, and water retention every day. Stubborn belly fat I cant shift, extreme fatigue and my periods have become extremely irregular over the last 6 months. I'm currently bleeding every other week, the days in-between vary slightly but its usually the normal 7. They are very heavy too, always with brown blood at the beginning. (sorry TMI) This has made life very difficult and frustrating. I'm so ready to get this laparoscopy over with and just find out what is going on with me.

I recently paid a lot of money for hypnotherapy to help with my self hate, depression and eating disorders. Although it really helped and I feel like a much happier person, this Endo stuff is slowly worsening as I age, every year is another symptom and it really gets me down. I hate my body and it really doesn't help with my disorder recovery and body dysmorphia. I hope to get some answers at the end of the month. Thank you if you took the time to read all this!!

Sophie x x x

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Kate345 profile image

Hi Sophie

When did your symptoms start? I also have endometriosis in my family my aunt on my mums side had it really bad and had a hysterectomy at 36.

Im 26, I’m currently on the same track as you. I stated getting ovulation pain in June time. July I had the worst period pain ever and I’ve never suffered from period issues. Had a CT showed fluid on my ovary then I had an abdominal ultrasound in September which showed nothing and everything to be normal. I too have chronic constipation recently started getting stomach cramps after eating certain meals and foods.

I’m awaiting my laparoscopy too in 9 days tine, I went priviate as I couldn’t wait 3 months via the NHS

I also have dark brown / black blood on my periods too.

I have burning and pulling pain also.

I wish you luck with everything. It’s the waiting game that I’m finding hard. Counting down the days Is awful when your in pain and not feeling well

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