Why do we pass such horrendous clots? - Endometriosis UK

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Why do we pass such horrendous clots?

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
β€’32 Replies

Hi again lovely ladies.

I'm probably assuming that most of us pass these monstrosities but seriously why does it happen. It freaks the πŸ’© out of me even though I should be used to it. Today is particularly bad. Every half hour I'm coming to the loo and sorry for tmi. Big pressure and plop theres a clot half the size of my palm. If anyone knows why please enlighten me. Sorry again for posting and thanks for any replies in advance. πŸ’—πŸ€—πŸ˜˜

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32 Replies

I'm sending you a hug. ((hug)) and I feel your pain.

I was given Tranexamic acid by my consultant for the horrible clots and heavy bleeding. The tablets do break the clots down. I was told to take 2 three times a day. I have only taken 2 once a day as they make me feel bad. I can't function very well when I take them. I was in bed for the first 3 days of my period this time. my body is not very good with chemically produced medication.

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to

Thanks hun. Big hug right back at ya πŸ€—. I'm sure I had them meds years ago for crazy bleeding through pads and clothes A n E give it to me. Can't remember what is was like. But I'm like you not a big fan of meds. I'm looking to book acupuncture wonder if that v will help. I'd love to know why they happen how do we loose so much what the heck. I feel really light headed today iv don't know which I prefer pain or this feeling bloody hell. πŸ’—πŸ€—πŸ˜˜

in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

sounds like you have some research to find out there.

Good luck with the acupuncture if it works let me know xx

I'm a fan of the tapping solution ( it works with your chi like acupuncture and acupressure) and of hypnosis audios to help me sleep when in pain.

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to

I'll let you know defo thanks xx

Fabbird profile image

Hi, my understanding is that it's all to do with oestrogen. Oestrogen is what makes the lining of the uterus thicken each month. Lots of oestrogen means the uterus gets very think and then it's got to be shed, coming out as clots. I think that's why treatments for endo try to either stop/reduce oestrogen or reduce out it's effects by adding extra progesterone.

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to Fabbird

That's a new one I always thought it was progesterone that made lining thick? Or is progesterone to maintain the lining up until period or sustain itc for pregnancy. Looks like zonazer is right more research I love to know how and why this πŸ’©happens. Makes it easier for me to deal with. πŸ’—πŸ€—πŸ˜˜

in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

I am the same. I like to know what I'm dealing with and how I can treat naturally with out painkillers or drugs. With surgery as a last resort or necessity.

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to

I in a panic last week have gone and booked a appointment with a specialist. I think I'm going to cancel try this cupping acupuncture and detoxing once and for all and if it doesn't help me get better or conceive then I'll probably cave in and go see the specialist

I contradict myself sometimes when I'm in so much pain and it gets me down I think they'll sort me out but iv already had a c section and a lap and I don't heal well I can't be putting myself through that every time I find things getting hard. Iv got a high pain threshold just need to be more strong minded. I'll look into tapping xx

in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

I've never tried cupping. I did try acupuncture years a go. It was very relaxing. I had it for stress and anxiety.

Good luck and I hope it works for you and gives you some relief. If you try at least you will know clearly in yourself if it works or not for your body. I'm so sorry to hear all that you have been through. You are a true endometriosis warrior xx

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to

We're all endo warriors having to live with this headache


I'm glad the natural route is working for you

I'm going to do a cleanse detox when my awful period is done then take it from there πŸ’—πŸ˜˜πŸ€—

Scottoe profile image
Scottoe in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

Why don’t you go to the specialist appointment and see what they say? At least that way you’re on the system so if things did get worse it hopefully wouldn’t take so long to be seen. You can discuss with the specialist and agree on how to move forward. They may be able to give you an open appointment which means that you can make an appointment with them if needed. The open appt option lasts for 6 months. Good luck with what you decide to do xx

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to Scottoe

I'm going to go hun. Hubby isn't letting me cancel plus we're paying for it is booked for next month 20th hopefully he'll be able to sort me out once and for all so I can have one more child get on top of this rubbish and hopefully have a better life. I do think iv got more problems apart from endo. My hands legs and hips ache throb and lock it's crazy and my hands have been getting worse over the years. Locking it's odd. I'm going to write a list of all my symptoms and take them to my gp on Friday. This throbbing aching legs thing is keeping me up on night my knees are killing. Thanks for your advice hun.

How are you?


Lulububs profile image


I feel i need to answer this as for 25 years i have had this problem, it was like liver!!!

After laps and colonoscopys and everything else i was told i just had clotting blood it clots to fast which was making my periods painful( literally would lay on floor crying) as it was tricking it into thinking i was giving birth( that how big my clots were).

So had word with doctor and she said tranexamic acid lets give it a go. So on my first day of my period 4

Months ago i took my first one and after 2 days of taking 3 a day through period i noticed difference straight away, lighter, clots smaller, pain wise i was able to go to work and not have to go early.

4 months down the line i literally could not live without this drug, it has got better and better, i only took it for 1 and 1/2 days this month and it was better and im only bleeding for 4 days instead of 7-8.

Please ask to try it , give it 3-4 months see how u go and good thing is

It not a drug u have to take all time just when ur on ur period!!

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to Lulububs

Thanks for your reply hun it is bad it's freaking me out since my lap the clots stopped but since my to recent early losses they've come back with a vengeance I know my endo is back I can physically feel it but the clots are awful. If I can't find something that helps me naturally I will definitely ask my gp I'm about it I'm ttc do trying my best to stay away from meds although iv failed this month it's been real hard.. Thanks for your reply really glad it's helped you πŸ’—πŸ€—πŸ˜˜

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

I know what u mean about meds. I try to do everything natural, i have ibs aswell and i treat that naturally.

The blood clotting needed medication as it can b quite dangerous to clot like i do so if i only have to medicate two days a month im ok with that as i was living on painkillers anyway so at least now im not taking them

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image

I agree it's dangerous today iv felt like I'm going to pass out even with my feet up it's really πŸ’©me up I haven't seen these kind of clots for years. If it doesn't calm down I'll go to gp tomorrow. Thanks hun πŸ’—πŸ€—πŸ˜˜

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

Hope it gets better xx let me know how it goes

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to Lulububs

I will just passed another half size of my palm hope they don't get bigger. Thanks hun πŸ’—πŸ€—πŸ˜˜

I've been wandering the same thing- my first period after my laparoscopy was lovely and norma-l heavy but not uncontrollable and no huge clots- like you my periods have changed since my early pregnancy loss and I also have clots- sometimes they are as big as 2 inches. It is a horrible experience when they pass- they also cause flooding I couldn't leave the house and had to call in sick to work and believe me I can't afford the time off. I'm speaking to my gynae about these clots like you I'm also concerned my endo has returned. I hope for both of us that's not the case and it is just our bodies settling down after the miscarriage. Good luck with your appointment hope you get answers for why this is happening xoxo

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply to

Well i cant talk for u but when i had my lap i didnt have endo i had to thick blood and clotting so thats where my pain was coming from they just seem to think endo is the goin thing for pain in pelvis...

So tranexamic acid was the answer to my prayers as it was not endo, it was so painful the clots were huge but in one month of using them i had no clots my blood was thinner and i wasnt so heavy.

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to

It's a nightmare don't you think. My hubby gets worried I was thinking to cancel appointment I made to specialist for my endo and just try hard with natural route I said to hubby last night he said no don't cancel we can still do natural route as and while we're waiting. He wouldn't sleep last night till I slept he was so worried I went sleep at 5 I need to get them meds to calm bleeding down because I'm flooding I went through 16 big thick pads yesterday in 12 hours and every time I hit the loo big clot it's horrendous I can feel them coming. My period is a marvellous red colour and it's flowing like water just so much and so much clots. I hope you get answers on Thursday wish you luck πŸ’—πŸ€—πŸ˜˜

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

Do not cancel appointment u need to see someone about this and i guarantee if u cancel u will regret it as soon as u do.

Try transexamic acid, i know u wana go natural but there really is not much natural thing for this problem or i woulda tried it . Ive treated my ibs naturally and lots of other things but this i could not, i am 43 now and wished i had found these tablet years a go as i have missed weddings, family partys everything coz of my periods and they have ruined my life.

If u have them there u can use them if u dont want to one month u dont, simple.

I started of on 3 a day for three days and now 4 months down line it better so now i only took 3 for first day of period and it worked , i took two the next day and stopped and my period was soooo much easier. No clots at all and was not heavy whereas usually like u i am goin through tampon and towels at a alarming rate!

I loose so much blood my blood pressure drops so bad i faint but now i dont even get that..

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image

I haven't, cancelled my appointment hubby won't let me. I'm going to see this endo specialist because it's bleeding out of bottom too it's too much. Today it's calmed down loads but iv got gp on Friday so will ask for the meds so have them on stand by for future. Thank you for your concern I genuinely appreciate it means a lot. I'll keep you updated and hopefully I'll get to bottom of this πŸ’—πŸ€—πŸ˜˜

elektra4 profile image

Sorry to hear that. Sounds awful. I've also had a similar experience. Apparently it's due to low progesterone which causes clotting. But do your own research. I use natural progesterone and don't seem to have it anymore, although wasn't as bad.

Hope you find something that works. Xx

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply to elektra4

I tried the natural progesterone to but made my moods better and that but didnt seem to help with the clotting and pain. Helped the old pmt though, didnt wana kill so many people haha

elektra4 profile image
elektra4 in reply to Lulububs

The cream isbt as effective I've found as the oil. try Inas natural progesterone oil. it's the most potent form.

always good to not want to kill people. haha.

All the best. 😊

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to elektra4

The cream helped me iv managed to conceive. Hopefully I'll carry this one to term and try the oil after. Thanks hun πŸ’—πŸ€—πŸ˜˜

in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

This is really interesting to hear- sorry to but in. I also spot several days prior my periods arrival and had put down to endo. I was thinking this morning I might try my progesterone pessaries between next ovulation and next period. I think ladies with endo have higher estrogen and lower progesterone levels and maybe that inferes with conception? Thank you for giving me some hope πŸ˜€ all the best with the rest of the pregnancy xoxo

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to

Yes Jess. Since I found out about endo iv done research and found we are estrogen dominant so hence why some of us spot have terrible moods lots of other problems. That's why I started taking the cream it took three month for it to work for me I was starting to think it's not working but with everything you need to give it time.

Thanks hun bubus progressing they saw a yolk sac this time I was measuring 6 weeks which is a week behind so naturally anxious but got to have, a scan on Monday to check if there's a heart beat πŸ’—πŸ€—πŸ˜˜

in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

I think with endo it's a case we have to do our own research. I have so many estrogen rises. Definitely worth trying to see if it helps. Nothing is an instant fix but I might give it a go.

All the best for Monday hope it goes well xoxo

P.s I think you are really brave having early scans- I know I couldn't do it. xoxo

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to

Your right hun no help ever with the how to deal with endo. Your own research is best way.


I had too to rule out ectopic even though I was 99% sure I cleared my tubes you know what medics are like once they've written something down in paper it's like they don't think you can do things yourself. They never properly listen when iv told them iv cleared them but that's up to them. They want to dismiss me and scan and worry me that's fine I just need to know what's going on one way or another. Thanks hun. Good luck with trying the progesterone πŸ’—πŸ€—πŸ˜˜

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to elektra4

Iv started with the progesterone cream just a couple months I know it's low my. Bbt doesn't rise enough and I spot for days sometimes a week before my period. Like lulububs it's helped me stay a bit more calm but not helping so much probably need to give it chance. Thank you hun xx

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