Pregnancy : Hi I resent had an cyst removal... - Endometriosis UK

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sf2017 profile image
22 Replies

Hi I resent had an cyst removal operation on the 10th July 2017 that's when I found out I had endometriosis I just want to know the best conception method as I'm only 22 and have no boyfriend or partner yet I want to make sure I'm going to be ok to become pregnant when I meet the right person I've heard so many different things about this this is why I'm right on hear try get more feed back and help thank you

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sf2017 profile image
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22 Replies
LoveandBall profile image

Hey darling,

Please don't stress yourself out over this. It's not nice to have this diagnosis but you are so young and you have lots of time to get treatment, to meet a good guy and to have a baby. Honestly, you're probably lucky that they have already diagnosed you as most women get diagnosed very much later, after their symptoms had started. This means you have as good a chance as any. Endo doesn't mean you can't have a baby; it just makes it take a little bit longer, so please relax. You will be fine. Enjoy life, get your education and dream job and when you meet your dream man, you will have his babies :)


sf2017 profile image
sf2017 in reply to LoveandBall

Aww thank u so much made me feel abit better means a lot u have replied I've been researching a lot on this and I think it's just panicked me more so having this doesn't mean I can't get pregnant? I just want a family so bad but I'm my own time as I'm so young to be thinking of this now but suppose you have to when things like this happen thank u again xxxx

LoveandBall profile image
LoveandBall in reply to sf2017

Yes, I understand you. I went through the same panic as you when I first got told. It can be really scary especially because everywhere you look the word infertility is mentioned when endometriosis is being explained. It affects fertility, sure, but lots of other things do, too. For example, if you smoke, you affect your fertility. If you drink a lot, you do too. If you're very overweight, again, you make things harder. So, a woman who smokes can take just as long as a non-smoker with endo to get pregnant. I have a friend with stage 4 endo (the worst) and she had her second baby last year, at 36. The conception was entirely natural and unproblematic, yet she has one ovary which is completely useless.

Basically, the things you can do is lose a little weight around the belly if you have it, make sure you don't smoke. If you drink, keep it moderate, do a little bit of exercise each week, and most importantly, make sure you only give your time and love to a good man. As long as you do these things and you follow your doctor's advice about treatments, when the time comes to have a baby, you most certainly will. So please don't worry, this is just a minor hiccup in your life at the moment. xxx

sf2017 profile image
sf2017 in reply to LoveandBall

Thank u and I didn't realise other things did to and I don't smoke and and do karate and excise but probz not as much as needed tbh I drink but not all the time I defo need to lose weight as can't stop eating at min with worrying and pain and thank u u have put my mind a bit better and at rest to not worry as much I can't thank u enough 😘 means so much thank uxxxxxx

LoveandBall profile image
LoveandBall in reply to sf2017

Aww no need to thank me, sweetheart, it's so natural to worry and to be scared. Other people's kind words have helped me, too. The main thing is not to beat yourself up about anything. You can't help having the endo but you can make sure that you look after yourself. It sounds like you are. Don't worry, we probably all could do with a bit more exercise (I know I do!) but just keep taking care of yourself and try not to overthink any of this. You're so young and at this stage of your life you should worry more about unwanted pregnancy than any other :) xxx

sf2017 profile image
sf2017 in reply to LoveandBall

Haha need to find the right man before thinking about all that haha 😂xxxx

LoveandBall profile image

Absolutely :D I'm glad you are smiling. xxxx

sf2017 profile image
sf2017 in reply to LoveandBall

I feel less nervous and scared I have an appointment thu with the consultant just got letter today so u have put my mind abit better for thu till I get the answers I need 😀 thank u again xxxx

LoveandBall profile image
LoveandBall in reply to sf2017

Aw that's great news darling!!! Make a list of questions for your appointment and ask them all. This will help put your mind at ease. I'm glad you feel better too. That's the main thing, not to be worried sick. :) xx

sf2017 profile image
sf2017 in reply to LoveandBall

It's hard not to worry though it sucks hard being a woman sometimes haha xxx

LoveandBall profile image
LoveandBall in reply to sf2017

I know, sweetie. It does. But there are also such good things about being a woman. When you do have a little family one day, you will be the most important person in it, the mummy :) xx

sf2017 profile image
sf2017 in reply to LoveandBall

Yeah good point :) xxx

charminghawke profile image

Hi, my husband's cousin was diagnosed about ten years ago (17-18 y.o.) and had been taking a contraceptive pill for few years. She had no any problems with getting pregnant 2 times. I have endo probably since I have started my monthly period but also there was no problem with getting pregnant (unexpected at first time when we didn't use any contraception) :). It;s good, you;re diagnosed, so you know, what you can expect.

sf2017 profile image
sf2017 in reply to charminghawke

Thank u for your comment I think it's just worry more than anything kids r my life and I'm so young don't want to really be thinking of this now I'm only 22 the pain been so bad past couple of days I've been sent from home 2 times this week my consultant said maybe pill or iud I think pill would be better for me just for now but il see what they say I'm so glad pregnancy isant an issue with endo I've heard loads of different story's and done loads of different research xxx

charminghawke profile image
charminghawke in reply to sf2017

It can be a real problem, if it is diagnosed too late after the first symptoms. It might be too advanced and pregnancy is impossible then. My beloved auntie was diagnosed at her 40's - after many years she have been trying for a baby :(. You're getting a treatment, so don't worry :).

I was admissed to hospital last month with false appendicitis. Performed examinations showed nothing and doctor decided to reffer me to gynae, because I might have endo. She advised me to take 3 packs of pill without break. If it won't help, they'll do another tests. I'm worried because I wanted to try for second baby ;/.

sf2017 profile image
sf2017 in reply to charminghawke

I'm not getting treated yet got to go to hospital thu see what going to happen then didn't even know it was a thing till u have it and everyone u speak to seem to have it or know someone with it it's horrible like I've also something pregnancy can help with it it's really strange endo and there's always something out there now with becoming pregnant nhs r so good these days but hope it not come to any of that I get treated sought the pain and have my baby's I want :) have they said u can't try for your second baby ? Xx

charminghawke profile image
charminghawke in reply to sf2017

I had decided to check, if lack of period on the pill will give me any help with these horrible pain after withdrawal bleeding. I'm taking combined pill since 3 years,. My symptoms got worse 1,5 year after first labour. It has been really ok till last year when I got this terrible pain again :(. I had the colposcopy to check an cervical erosion, but gynae said it's not painful and I should seek (!) another reason. We'll start trying when I'll finish my course of pill in October. I'm still waiting for letter from hospital about my gynae's appointment. They didn't said anything about to not getting pregnancy but I'm worried if it happens before the appt. The first time was easy-peasy and I hope the second will be the same.

sf2017 profile image
sf2017 in reply to charminghawke

U should seek another reason by someone else though they were trained with down there goodness me hope u get soughed and the answers u want and get your second child I'm sure it will be don't think down always think positive that what I've been trying to do xxx

angellllll profile image

Hello there! I hope you're doing fine. There is nothing to worry about. Don't feel stressed. It is usually said that endometriosis causes delay in pregnancy. However, once you get pregnant, everything is normal. Therefore, it is a misconception that every person with endometriosis will be infertile. In most of the cases women do undergo pregnancy perfectly. No hindrance at all! If there is a complication you can go for different treatments. After consulting with your doctor. Before you get started with any treatment do get endometriosis properly treated. As treatments like IVF do tend to increase the endometriosis level.

HarrietRobertson profile image

Don't take it too seriously. You are very young you have all the time in your life to get treatment. Technology improving day by day will help you to achieve the best possible results. Pregnancy is something you can have only if you want it truly to happen in your life. Endometriosis causes a lot of problems I know, but you can recover from this. I hope you are understanding my point. Wishing you best of luck for future.

Saravillar12 profile image

Hi there, I am sorry to hear that you have endometriosis, it’s very painful and stressful for women especially from a fertility point of view. There are many studies that show that women with endometriosis can become a mother too. Infertility due to endometriosis is linked but treatable. I appreciate your effort to be well prepared before getting into any relationship. It’s always better to keep your doctor’s advice first. They can guide you in a much more reliable way.

Alyssa123 profile image

Hi everyone. My sibling and I are living proof that it is possible to get pregnant even with endometriosis. My mom and dad got married at 20 and 21 and started trying for a baby a couple of years later. When my mom couldn't get pregnant, she was diagnosed with endometriosis. She had to have several surgeries, but she would not give up her dream of being a mother. Finally, when she was 32 (I think) she gave birth to my sister, and later, me. It may seem discouraging that she had to wait so long, but looking back, she is happy that things happened as they did and that she and my dad were able to enjoy being a young married couple before becoming parents. Because my mother had endometriosis, there is a good chance that I may have it as well. I had very heavy, painful periods in my early teens, and was put on birth control when I was 14 in order to make my periods lighter, and lessen my cramping. I am now 24 and still on birth control--whenever I think about having kids with my husband, I get nervous that we will discover I have endometriosis and have fertility issues. However, I remain optimistic, because if my mom was able to get pregnant after surgeries that took place in the 70s and early 80s, I should be able to as well because of how much medicine has advanced. Don't give up hope, and keep trying. the doctor is probably hoping that will be able to conceive on your own so that you do not have to undergo surgery. It may, however, prove necessary for to have surgery in order to conceive, but don't be discouraged. There are a lot of other women who are suffering from this but still hope and I personally believe in "I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination".

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