For 6-7years I was being diagnosed and treated for bladder and kidney infections...witch last year I found out I never had one... I had a laparoscopy 14/12/16 and found I had endometriosis...I also had a coil fitted during the op.
I was pain free for 3 weeks, Iv started to get my life back by going out and even planned when I was going back to work. But all the pain and symptoms started to come back.
I went back to the gp witch is where she constantly accused me of having an eating disorder and even told my mum (who came with me to appointments) she was In denial of me having a eating disorder..i don't have an eating disorder, I'm in constant pain where I can't sleep and feel I don't have big meals..but am slowly putting on weight witch is what I want to do.
I went to an eating disorder clinic witch the gp insisted I go...where they actually listened to me(unlike the gp) and said it's clear I don't have an eating disorder..
Went back to the gp where she wasn't pleased that she wasn't right, I didn't event get an apology for some of the thing she she said to me and my mum.
She asked to weigh me, witch I had no problem with, I put on a pound witch I was very pleased with...but the gp told me that it wasn't good enough ... being in pain and tired and fed up with her unprofessional comments I told her I don't need to hear negative comments a gain is a gain regardless the amount.
Me and my mum still had to fight with her to get her to refer me back to the gynaecologist...witch she said she will do...but I do not believe Her as of the way she has been dealing with me.
She even told me endometriosis doesn't cause many of you know it's a main factor.
I'm losing faith with the NHS...I don't even know If wanna spend out money to go private to be treated the same.
Can anyone give any advice? Im only 20 and I want some part of my life back...
Emma xox