Hi guys, had my first laparoscopy and no endometriosid was found, typical haha I just knew that would happen!! I was really disappointed at first because I just wanted to know a cause for all my problems, however they did say I have a retroverted uterus which i'm guessing does explain some of my issues, and realistically is better than endo.
So i've googled a little but i'm pretty clueless about retroverted uterus, and also surprised it has never been mentioned before to me! So I was wondering if anyone else here has it and could tell me what it affected for you and how you've ended up treating it? For my own example I suffer with frequent bad period pains even when not on, I bleed often and irregularly (up to a month sometimes) even when on the pill, sex is completely painful for me and I have really bad back problems so those are my main problems.
I've had a mirena fitted which they said should help over the next few months once settled, and if no improvement then I can have ventrosuspension to stitch up/move the womb to the correct place.
Any comments would be really interesting and helpful! Thanks guys xx