Hi all
I am 28 war old woman living with endo. I eat a healthy diet and excercise regularly but have found recently that fatigue is topping me from doing what I usually do with my life.
I do 3-4 exercise classes a week hold down a full time job where I work 40-50 hrs a week as well as finding time for friends and family.
This weekend I had a day out with work, we went to ge races but it was a long day and I was out for around 14 hours, I did drink and probably a little bit too much. I had a hangover the next day but felt fine by the evening just tired.
Come Monday morning I felt exhausted, I muddled my way through work and came home and went about my daily activties.
Come this morning I am exhausted and feeling sick. I constantly suffer with nausea but this was terrible. I now have the early twinges of a big flare up. I have come home to rest but physically and mentally it has had a big effect on me. I have an important job and I haste being off work and I am currently on the couch unable to get up because I'm just so tired.
I guest my question is does anyone else suffer with this or is it all in my head. The fatigue and nausea are by far my worst symptoms and part of me is worried it's all in my head!
If anyone has had similar experiences I'd love to hear from you!