I’m just 18 i was diagnosed almost a year ago now and my pain has gotten so much worse. I’ve just started a new job literally had one day at work and now my pain is so bad I think I need to go to hospital...again. I can’t do anything. I can’t work and that means I can’t go out... I can’t afford to fuel to visit my boyfriend I had to drop out of university because I was failing from lack of attendance. I’m gluten free lactose free I take a whole bunch of pills. My mental health was ugly before now it’s much worse. I’m losing everything and getting more lost every day. I type while lying knees to my chest not crying but only because my eyes sting from the last four hours of doing so. Someone help. Please.
Endo is ruining everything please help! - Endometriosis UK
Endo is ruining everything please help!

Hi ya
Sorry to hear you are having a bad time with everything. Are you still with your consultant following on from diagnosis? If you are I would recommend giving them a call in the morning to see if anything can be done. If you have strong painkillers try and take one of them to help with the pain.
I hope you feel better soon xx
I’m also 18, and have been through almost all of this as well, if you ever need someone to rant to and to talk to, pop us a dm, I’m afraid there’s no quick fix but I’d suggest going to see your GP and explain everything that’s happening to you, sorry you’re feeling this way xx
Morning!! I totally understand where ur coming from I was in so much pain for 5 yrs before my diagnosis. I agree u should contact ur consultant and try see him ASAP if ur still in a lot of pain I would go to hospital they can control your pain more there.
Hey. I'm in the same boat. I'm 20, Gluten free lactose free. I've had to leave uni and I'm no way well enough with it to even work. I spend 60/70% of my day in bed and have been to A and E numerous times for it. . I'm also on drugs like Morphine and Codeine but it seems to just be a waiting game with Doctors as to what to do next or when / if I will improve. I'm sorry that you are in this situation. I truly sympathize and understand.
I completely get it. I'm Gluten Free and it sucks. Fortunate to have gone to Uni and had a job but I had to leave it as I wasn't coping and the pain from my Endo was so bad and debilitating. I couldn't do a thing and would stay in bed for days - doesn't help depression. Keep going back to the GP or don't be afraid to go to A&E when things get bad. I would advise trying to get some strong pain killers that work for you in the meantime. I now rely on Tramadol tablets 50mg. Sometimes I'm on between 1 and 3 a day when the pain is bad. They're not for everyone and it takes a while to get used to them, but now I wouldn't be without them. They are an absolute lifesaver. I'm still not working but they allow me to go out and do things knowing that if I get caught out and start having pain they will knock it on the head fast and I can carry on. Helps with my social life and gives me the confidence to go out and go places which are a distance from home.
I would go back to your GP and ask if they can prescribe these as a trial for you, and also enquire about whether going on the pill for short bursts may help. I don't know about the pill but I've wondered whether it would work for Endo. Wishing you all the best, huge hugs, stay warm, treat yourself to things you like eating such as chocolate and odd comfort food. Netflix helps if you're unable to get out and about - it can take your mind off things, keep you busy and can encourage other friends etc to come to you for movie nights or binge watch shows. I hope you get seen soon and get some pain relief. Huge hugs x
Hi rose_embrown,
Sorry to hear that you're suffering with this horrible illness. I have suffered so much too, I'm Glutenfree and Dairyfree, soya free. I'm suffering with depression, no painkillers work on me. I've had so many operations that I've lost count. My recent operation was in August this year I'm still recovering from that. I had complications after surgery and had 4 more surgery I developed compartment syndrome in my right leg, so instead of spending 3 days in hospital I spent 2 weeks. I'm on crutches and in agony.
If you're painkillers are not working ask to see pain management team, try a TENs machine that might help you. Where are your worst pains? Mine was bladder and bowels. I used to faint from my pains. Have you had any surgeries?
You can talk to me DM if you like. I'm here for you as are so many women, you're not alone in this. I really hope something does help you.