For the past 12 months i have had a severe burning inflammation pain on my pubic bone. I also get a sticky pulling feeling and can sometimes feel hard lumps when i puty knees together. Is this Endo. or i.c. ?.
Endometriosis or I.Cystitis ?.: For the... - Endometriosis UK
Endometriosis or I.Cystitis ?.

I have both. IC is like having a bladder/water infection, needing to go.
Is it like having Cystitis ? As mine doesn't feel like bladder pain.
I had surgery 12 weeks ago had excision and removed my bowel from uterus waiting for my follow up in June. However the last few weeks I have been having discomfort in bladder area pain worse when bladder slightly full and I need to go toilet more often as bladder feels full quicker it does feel like a urine infection type of pain in the bladder area. I was thinking it could be IC also. As if us girls are not going through enough with Endo pain.
Have you been experiencing cramping also? as I have had this constantly and overy pain too.
With me yes, it was bit more a burning type pain and a bit more around the urethra. I also have a strong sense of bladder pressure and was going 16 times a day, but do have an endo nodule in the bowel area that may be part of the problem.
Endo for me is more frontal pelvic dragging pain ( the coil worsened it), side ovary pain, deep back ache and dyspareunia and extreme chronic fatigue.
I found antihistamines and organic sanitary towels, drinking a lot and stopping using toiletries on my pelvic area helped a lot with the IC.
I now get up about 3 times a night rather than every hour.
I get a spasming when i am in a lot of pain but not sure where its coming from. I have a pain on the low right side but not sure if its ovary pain. How do you know ?.
Well I used to have pain on my right side before and had a cyst but I'm just guessing really. I'm hoping to get a scan done when I have my follow up but if my pain persists as it is I'm going back to my gp see if he can request a scan see what's going on for sure. Have you been to your gp about ur pain yet?
Yes i have had ultra sound scans which suggested Adenomyosis a ct scan, Mri and a laparoscopy but i am convinced i have Endometriosis from the pain . I have been in agony for 12 months now. Whats your pain like ?.
I'm sorry to hear you been in so much pain and gone through all the tests. I suffer from lower back pain mainly on my left side and at the moment got constant pelvic cramping. I get another type of pain when my bladder full. Which is hard to explain I can only think of the type of pain u get with a urine infection which feels similar.
I hope you get some answers soon and go back to your gp don't suffer in pain x