I'm 31 and for years I've been scared I have endo.
Basically for years I've had bowel problems.
Most days il wake up and after breakfast il have to rush to the toilet and empty my bowels,then other days I might be constipated,I have excess gas and must pass wind hundreds of times a day.
I suffer with anxiety and have been told it's IBS.
I've read it could be endo?
My periods are regular every 28 days and first two days are medium flow,a little pain but nothing painkillers don't take away.
Apart from that I get no pelvic pain or anything.
I'm scared that the bowel problems might be endo.
I don't want to ask doctor for a lap and put myself through that if its not necessary but I won't know for sure till I've had one.
It doesn't affect my life in any way but I'm scared as I want children.
Then I read sometimes your bowels can stick to your ovaries or what if my tubes are blocked etc.
Do you think I have endo?
Is it worth going to doctors again?
As soon as I say I have no pain and my periods are regular,they feel my stomach and say your fine.