Hi ladies : Has anyone else lost their... - Endometriosis UK

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Hi ladies

8 Replies

Has anyone else lost their appetite because of endo? For the last week I hardly eat. I just don't feel hungry but try and force myself to eat little bit of something.

8 Replies

I ha this happen during my period because the pain feels gross after my first birth control pill I developed a kidney stone and didn't feel like eating.

Yes me too, although still waiting for formal diagnosis via lap in march , endo been seen on scan:( and four fibroids. On prostap for 3 months whilst waiting and yes have lost appetite lost around 10Ilb in about 5 months without trying and eating rubbish just unable to eat very much.

Tootler profile image

I rarely eat. I have tea every day, never breakfast and occasionally lunch. I can't deal with trying to eat through the nausea and constant agonising daily pain plus I'm never hungry. I had the decapyptyl injection which has brought on my migraines and made them worse 😷😷😷😢😢xxx

I'm glad I'm not the only one! Thing is I'm already underweight 😐 So not eating isn't helping and I have people who will give me a hard time now if they see Iv lost more weight. I hate dealing with this 😭

Hanny101 profile image

It's worth going to see your doctor, is the nausea related to when you have your period? There could be another cause such as gastritis or a virus, I have had shingles, glandular fever and now gastritis since my lap in August and those all made me very nauseous. I'm very slim too and have lost about 4 kilo so don't want to loose more either. Perhaps your doctor can suggest high calorie shakes you may find them easier to tolerate and they will give you nutrients too. I had unexplained nausea right after my lap but put that down to my mirena being inserted at the same time and messing my hormones up as it did sete down. Hope you figure it out don't sete for feeling like that and not eating as will ot cause more problems down the line x

in reply to Hanny101

I have a history of being underweight and they've given me supplements before but they don't usually work. I'm seeing my Dr on Friday so I might tell him to refer me to a dietician.

shazlovesevo profile image

My weight fluctuates alot. Sometimes i can eat like a pig but most of the time like now i only have 1 meal a day. Just my tea. Sometimes i don't feel like eating but most of the time it's because of the painful bloating after i eat! I bloat from anything! xx

Hanny101 profile image

Have you any outlets for stress? Having endo can be difficult not just physically and I find stress can affect my appetite a lot. Take care of yourself xx

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