So I was two days late with AF, nothing unusual there. I knew it was coming because i've felt so unwell the last week and had a horrendous migrane and today, and i've just come on.
The pain i suffer with is stomach, legs, back, head, pain i cant even describe but makes me want to throw up, curl into a ball, cry and scream and tablets dont touch it.
I've just had to come home from work which is a regular occurence every month for me. I cant walk, i cant move, i cant talk. I work in housing and social work with the elderly. My manager is usually supportive, but since I told her I need two weeks off for my first lap next week she has been really pissed off with me.
I know it is affecting my work, and I feel bad missing work but theres not much I can do about it. She just asked whats wrong with me now?! And I said well you know (shes in a huge office) and she said what do you mean? I said my period. She was like oh again?! Yes!!! It doesnt change! And its not normal! And trust me, i cant go on like this! It just makes me feel really stupid.
She said well someone else will have to pick up your work, if they can?! And you'll have to do on call tonight! So im on call 7pm-7am and i cant walk. Then i said i wont be in tomorrow. She was like oh really? Well how do you know that? You should just see how you feel? Omg she doesnt get it! Surely its better to give notice?!
How do you all manage work? I feel really bad having time off and this is taking over my life. The stress the job is putting me under with my managers attitude is just intensifying that.