hi guys need advice I had surgery to remove my endometriosis and have been doing ok but my after surgery I was told I wud not see my surgeon for 3 months for post op follow he did not come and chat to me after and I am worried that something is not being said to me. Is this normal or should I be worried
Had surgery 9 days ago but no follow up a... - Endometriosis UK
Had surgery 9 days ago but no follow up after

I had a laparoscopy done last week, the surgeon spoke to me when I woke up from the anesthetic but I don't remember much of what he said. I have been given an appt for next week (which will be 2 weeks after surgery) to meet and discuss what was found. I would advise you ring the hospital and explain you're worried and just see if they can give you an overview over the phone, 3 months is a long time to wait.
In my experience some surgeons see you after surgery some don't. I had a lap two years ago in which the surgeon didn't come and see me after, and didn't give me a follow-up appt. i had to see my GP to find out what happened! This time I did see my consultant afterwards and have a follow-up in January. You could call the hospital and speak to the Gynae secretary or your GP should get notes from the hospital if it will put your mind at rest. Hope yo get some answers, good luck.
Hi, I am recovering from Laparoscopy on Thursday. I had to ask them what they did and she said she would get me notes. They told me everything was normal (which in one way I didn't want to hear) and then a colleague of the surgeon came round. Like you, was told a follow up would be 2-3 months. Ask if the notes requested a biopsy. I might be wrong but read somewhere, sometimes the naked eye doesn't spot endo and may show on biopsy. Definitely give gynecology a ring and ask for notes. Hope your recovering ok? x
My follow up appointment is 3 months after. The consultant came around every day after the operation but I was in for several days.
Your GP should get a letter regarding what happened. Maybe you could request to see that letter?
Hope you are recovering well.
I had to wait 8 weeks for my follow up appointment and had to chase it up as they forgot to send it! I'm sure if there was anything serious they wouldn't leave it. Ask your GP to follow it up or ring the hospital direct - when I called them, my appointment miraculously came through two days later!
My surgeon told me what had gone on but I was post op and not really listening she did tell me to book in to discuss the surgery with my gp which I did and was very helpful once I was feeling a bit better. I also got an appointment for follow up with endo clinic in 6months. I suppose it's all very different depending on where you live. If your unhappy call but your GP may have more time to actually discuss what's happened with you? good luck
I had surgery 3 weeks ago and haven't been given a follow up appointment - I rang the hospital and they said I would get a clinic appointment for 3 months time. I did see the registrar in recovery after the surgery and the consultant the following day before I was discharged. Please ring the hospital if you're concerned.
I was just taking care by nurses after surgery and they were good but did not see a consultant or surgery I do not even know were the Endo has been removed from (stomach,reproductive organs, bowel or kidney?) UNSURE 😶
I had a follow up appointment a week after my surgery. My gyno had taken pictures of everything she removed and gave me a copy. I still have it. She knew that I had been watching surgery videos on you tube so she thought I would like them. I love my doctor, she moved away and haven't been able to find her for the past year!! Good luck but if I were you I would make a follow up appointment with the doctor!! Take care
Seems to be a new normal for NHS. I had this even though I had problems was still difficult to get back to see the consultant - I guess it s a cost cutting / time saving approach - but rubbish especially if you have problems. If your ok then you will probably not need a follow up until 3 months or so - but I agree does nothing for peace of mind.