I have just been diagnosed with endremetriosis in July after 2 years of being in and out of hospital. I have tried all contraception and tablets but none seem to be reducing the pain, I also have recently had clots due to the surgeon finding out that all my menstrual blood isn't fully coming out and is going behind my pelvis causing the clots, inflammation and pain. Can anyone recommend any pain relief or tips to try and reduce pain. Thank youX
Treatment or tips to reduce pain. - Endometriosis UK
Treatment or tips to reduce pain.

I have the same problem I was put on tramasatic acid to breakdown the clots I also use hot water bottle along with my painkillers to help with the pain xx
I use a hot water bottle or a bath if the pain is too much, I don't feel as if paracetamol works anymore because the pain is just too much X
A good one to try is methanamic acid that one is quite good to help pain u can also take it along with paracetamol or I usually take ibuprofen along with paracetamol uselly helps x
With my pain I am on buscopan for cramping- the dr said IBS pain but it's not that and the tablets say it helps with stomach cramps. So far it helps a bit but not as much. Pain killers for the night so I can try sleep and a hot water bottle during the day. When I can finally get back to work if still in pain will use the heat pads.
For pain I take tramadol every day and it's the only thing that works for me.
Was the surgeon an Endometriosis Specialist? General gynaecologists don't always know as much as they could about Endo. Ideally, you should see an Endo Specialist. If you've had a laparoscopy, then, so far, maybe it was only exploratory to find out what is going on. But if you have all that you describe in the abdominal cavity - beyond/behind the uterus/womb - then it is that tissue that an Endo Specialist would be hoping to remove.
I see you are in Glasgow. I don't know if the situation is different in Scotland, but usually when Endo is obviously bad, a GP (and general gynaes) have a protocol they should follow to refer people to 'Specialist Endometriosis Clinics' - or BSGE Clinics. It may be that you need to see an Endo specialist.
Get in touch with 'Endo UK' (link to their site at the top of this page), they host this site on 'Health Unlocked' and their advisors can talk to you - their phone times, numbers and also Email links are on their site, as well as loads of useful advice. There is also separate info/links about BSGE Clinics. I would also read as much as you can on here. If you find a useful post, then check out other similar ones by reading the 'Related Posts' box (top right hand corner). Also, check out posts on here by Lindle: she also has her own 'Endo ' site on Facebook.
Sadly, Endo is one of those conditions where we all have to become our own best experts.
Hey. Yes the surgeon was a endremetriosis specialist and iv also had consultation with gynaecology as well. Thanking you very much, I'll get in contact and I will let you know. Yes she messaged myself last night and now I am on the page, again thanks for your help Xx
Great, I hope it all gets dealt with!
Nb the 'BSGE' part is important, as these specialists are within whole 'Endo' Clinics where they also have bowel, urinary etc surgeons, on hand/to consult, if the Endo is in 'difficult to access, or remove' areas.
I know that Endo specialists can be in hospitals yet not part of BSGE Centres - mine was, and that work proved to be very temporary - worth checking.
NB DON'T mention names of medics, hospitals or BSGE Centres on here. 'Endo Uk' is a charity and can get into trouble for mentioning specifics. ant such discussion need to be off this forum or via 'PM's (private messages). But if you check the 'Endo UK' site you can see the list of 'BSGE' Centres.