I've just come out of my lap and I'm heartbroken.
First off they refused to dress my wounds and then the doctor came in and told me to stop crying because people have it a lot worse.
He found two pouches of endo that he removed and I have a lot of endo over my womb that he didn't remove.
I also have polysitic on my right ovary and my left is very englarged.
He told me with these things, that the way they were shouldn't of been causing me as much pain as I was in and that I should stop exaggerating when I describe my pain.
He then said I have Interstitial cystitis, which is incurable but treatable. I have to have ten weeks of meds via catheter. Can anyone tell me if it hurts or not?
I'm so scared for the future and heartbroken at how I was treated. I've come out feeling brushed off and that life isn't worth living if i have three incurable illnesses.
This has ruined my career and personal life and even after the op, I feel hopeless and like I haven't got many helpful answers.