I have just found this forum and I feel like I need to share.
My pain started 5 years ago, I ended up at the out of hours doctor and he sent me to A&E with suspected cysts. This was completely dismissed once I got there (didn't even do an ultrasound and treated me like I couldn't be having the pain I described). My GP referred me for a ultrasound, which came back clear. The pain didn't go away and it tended to be in the middle of my cycle so the GP decided it might be Mittleschmerz.
Cue 2 years later and I eventually get referred to Gynae, they did external and internal ultrasounds which again were clear. The consultant said it was a general surgery issue not gynae and the matter never went any further. He did recommend taking a break from the pill, I followed this advice and ended up with 12 months of irregular bleeding and pain.
The pain became not as regular and there didn't seem to be a pattern to it.
Recently it has really ramped up again, sometimes it is halfway during my cycle and then the couple of days before and during my period. I was almost in tears just sitting at my desk in work, I was having bad cramps, these sharp shooting pains and also pain up my back passage. I have been referred again to Gynae but I am worried that it will get dismissed again. I am 32yo and doesn't seem right that I am in this pain and expected to get on with it. I have IBS so i get the bowel symptoms and i never have any energy. Somebody suggested that I have endo, I have always assumed that there would be a more definite pattern and regularity to the pain when you have endo.
Would be really good to hear from others made to feel it is all in their imagination.