Hi there, I am currently sat at home recovering from my first ever surgical experience to diagnose whether or not I have endometriosis.
I was actively encouraged by friends and family NOT to google my symptoms, NOT to read into any possible diseases it could relate to and although I knew that the surgery was to determine if I had endometriosis, the moment the lady who I had only had a brief conversation with regarding consent to surgery broke the news to me while I struggled with the side effects of waking up from the general anesthetic I was distraught and completely unprepared!
My diagnostic journey has been from what I can gather typical to what most women encounter, from being told that I was constipated, being treated for Gonorrhea when I was 99% sure there was no possibility of this, endless courses of antibiotics with horrendous side effects for pelvic inflammatory disease to be told by A&E that more of those drugs was the answer to finally moving house and consequently doctors who I told I thought it may be endometriosis and was immediately referred to a gynecology department where I was invited to be part of a study.
Luckily it has only taken me 9 months from the start of chronic pain to diagnosis but now doing research I know that this is extremely lucky.
I wish I had done more research and not believed I was being a drama queen by trying to narrow down the possible causes of my pain.
I am now doing research to find out how to manage my condition to avoid the chronic pain reaching the intensity it did when I was pretending it was nothing. If anyone has any tips on day to day methods of dealing with pain without too many drugs but preferably drug free that would be great!