Tips for ttc/staying sane whilst ttc - Endometriosis UK

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Tips for ttc/staying sane whilst ttc

Shauni24 profile image
β€’17 Replies

My husband and I have only been ttc for 2 months and I realise that's not very long even for a healthy person!

However, I am struggling emotionally, the months feel like years and it's so draining to get a negative result πŸ™

What does everyone do to stay mentally ok?

Any tips in general for ttcThanks


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Shauni24 profile image
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17 Replies
sandarella13 profile image

Hi there, I felt the same way in the beginning. Felt like I was going crazy already and frustrated with myself over it. But it's a big thing, starting to try, and the enormity of knowing it could happen any time - it's hard to think about anything else. It did get easier as I got into the monthly routine. I stopped testing, unless I was a few days late, as I so hated seeing those negatives. It took over a year to get a BFP and I wouldn't have been able to imagine how I could try for that long and stay sane, but I did. ;) Good luck!

Shauni24 profile image
Shauni24 in reply to sandarella13

Thanks 😊 it just seems crazy when I hear people say it took a year or 2 because I can't imagine whar state my mind would be in by then. I'm trying to reduce stress as much as possible as I know that won't help anything.

Fingers crossed I get a positive test soon!

xkaax profile image

I too am struggling to keep sane. After my lap in June, my husband and I were told we had 6 months to try to conceive naturally before they would do some more tests. I'm 3 months in and no joy! I've turned in to a serial POAS (OPK's) lady and get so upset every month when my period arrives. All I can say is keep trying and I hope it works out for you. Try to keep calm and keep enjoying life along the way : )

If it's any consolation, many factors affect TTC. Age and endo are both against me, but if you remain healthy, have regular sex in your fertile period and reduce stress, you're doing everything you can xx

Shauni24 profile image
Shauni24 in reply to xkaax

I'm sorry to hear you're struggling too πŸ™

I haven't turned to the OPK's or anything else (yet!) because i worry that'll make me even more concerned than I already am.

I just wish for once something would come without so many complications..thanks endo!!

xkaax profile image

Thanks @Shauni24

Post op, initially the OPK's actually helped me to stay sane. Reason being, they confirmed I was actually ovulating (a blessing to me after losing part of an ovary). Now, I'm like this crazy woman who can't wait to get a positive OPK and the TWW that follows is simply a nightmare. I'm a pregnancy symptom spotter too - every pain I get (which so far has proven to be pre-menstrual) I mistake and hope it's pregnancy. I chastise myself if I actually have a life during this time (like even a couple of glasses of wine) in case I'm harming my chances of implantation! Grrr!

You will get there and although things may seem complicated now, things will work out!

Sending lots of love your way xx

Shauni24 profile image
Shauni24 in reply to xkaax

Oh I definitely symptom spot, I can't help it! I monitor every slight twinge..I didn't know two weeks could feel like so long!! It's hard to stay focused at work, especially because I only work with men so it's not like there's anyone I can vent to.

Keeping my fingers crossed for both of us 😊 x

Shelly92 profile image
Shelly92 in reply to xkaax


I am way past the age to have any babies .

But I'll pass along what I know.

I had my first two weeks after trying .

Then a year or more later I was standing on a ladder and a sharp piercing pain went thru my stomach.

In fact I fell off the ladder .

I had a gut feeling that when I was ready to try for another it either would not happen or it would have a hard time .

I self prophesied my own fate . I was 20

I spent the next 15 years chasing after that getting pg.

So many many close and instant calls.

I suppose I lost a couple when I was ten days late .

But this is what I would do if I had a do over

I won't sugar coat this and hope you get the baby you want but I'll be honest to

I spent so much time in surgery , drugs. 'Months waiting that I almost missed out on my child's life that I had had

I'm not proud of this

Regrets are hard to swallow

My instinct tells me that if I had not rushed to a dr after 6 months

Just let it go , the bad pain had not started until 13 months on ovary stimulating drugs that I never needed

First month on those at ovulation I had such pain I fell to the floor and ended up in emergency

Looking back I feel certain had I not panicked I probably would have conceived

You know how some times you just know things ?

I may have had early endo but still able to conceive

Once I let a dr that knew nothing get their hands on me it was over

Stimulating ovaries high doses for a year is opposite endo treatment and made it worse even though dr told me

Oh no you don't have endo

I wish I would have been wiser cause I would not allow him to say that

Shauni24 profile image
Shauni24 in reply to Shelly92

I am sorry to hear of your experience.

I have just turned 25 and am newly married with no children so I am hoping against hope that we will be successful soon.

I had one laparoscopy to remove endo last year and now I am under a new consultant (an endo specialist). I am refusing all hormone treatments as I struggled on the pill so I don't want anything else.

I am certainly trying to remain calm and hoping that it won't come to the point where I require fertility treatments.

Shelly92 profile image
Shelly92 in reply to Shauni24


I finally gave up and took the pill for a year no periods.

And I can say that year was the best year with endo ever.

For once I did not have to worry about trying to get pregnant

And as the pain gradually stopped I could breathe for awhile

It does not work for all

That's what is so frustrating about endo

Nobody has the same reaction

Or symptoms or maybe nothing they even read about .

Pain does seem to be the one common factor for all but I have known some that had none .

So goes the best

Frustrating as hell but we can not be silent and say

It's ok .

It's not ok that they don't know why when or how

It's not ok to let women suffer just cause they are women

It's just not ok

And the louder we all yell the more chances future women will have at finding better answers .

Answers that work for everyone

Right now the only thing that is certain about endo is that it's not certain

Nobody knows

Shauni24 profile image
Shauni24 in reply to Shelly92

That's great that you have been pain free.

I am hoping to get pregnant so I won't be using any hormonal treatment at the moment and I never liked them anyway so hopefully I will find the correct treatment plan for me one day.

xkaax profile image

I'll keep my fingers crossed too. If you ever need to vent, there are lots of supportive people here. Keep me in the loop about how you get on.

Sending you lots of love xx

Rebeccahazel profile image

It took almost a year to concieve our first child and it was really hard- I also wondered how people coped with it for years.

You do get into the routine of it. I have just conceived baby number 3 but had a treat for myself every month it didn't work out (a bottle of wine- a new dress). That made the blow of not being pregnant not quite as bitter!

Shauni24 profile image
Shauni24 in reply to Rebeccahazel

That's a great idea! I often worry about becoming bitter especially when it seems like everyone else in the world has a baby but me!

Rebeccahazel profile image
Rebeccahazel in reply to Shauni24

Oh I remember that so well with my first!

If it's any encouragement my first took almost a year but my second was first time and my third took 2 tries so you just never know!

Shauni24 profile image
Shauni24 in reply to Rebeccahazel

Exactly, it hasn't been a long time trying just yet so fingers crossed it'll happen soon 😊

Shelly92 profile image

You can ask here

I'm new myself but there are some great sites for fertiliyu issues.

Most here have gone thru that as well but if you have no endo and you need support I'd go to a infertility support group which I think can be linked from here

Good luck

Try to relax

Accupuncture has helped many

Shauni24 profile image
Shauni24 in reply to Shelly92

I was diagnosed with endo last year via laparoscopy. I feel it's easier to talk to women who understand the difficulties associated with endo and ttc.

Thanks 😊

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