I've been reading a lot about ladies experiencing shoulder pain.
Is this the same place you experience pain??
I've been reading a lot about ladies experiencing shoulder pain.
Is this the same place you experience pain??
I get aches in my left shoulder!!
Just where you are pointing.. I never thought it would be linked to my endo x
I know there have been lots of posts about endo on the diaphragm and shoulder pain. But I had pain where you are pointing (left shoulder). I went to see an osteopath. I also had occasional pain in my left knee (when I ran). It turned out my pelvis was misaligned which was causing my spine to twist. This impacted on my neck and hips causing the pain in my shoulder and knee! Whether or not this was related to endo I don't know. She felt that it was probably connected (and was also because I carried babies back to back). Anyway, it took a few weeks and some home exercises but I haven't had pain for six months!
Wow. You've just described my ailments - left knee ache and left shoulder pain. Any chance you could share mainly what home exercises fixed you? X
I have scoliosis and am doing pelvic floor physiotherapy too currently so I can give a few exercises that I've been taught over the years.
1st with all issues of the spine or miss alinement you want to do light stretching, that focuses on the centre of the body (cobra pose) rather then one side (dancers pose) which can further screw up alinement.
And make sure to never over do it, if you feel like your going to, stop and take a break.
Here's a few:
Cobra pose- (great for stretching and building the pelvic floor) for 20 seconds, don't stretch too far only a little bit.
Lunges- help align and stretch the pelvic floor, keep your knee of the ground and pull your spine up straight
Quad stretch- make sure your not shaking
Now for stregthening:
Bird dog- hands & knees, take your left arm and right leg and extend out, pull back in touching your hand to your knee. (5 sets of 5)
Side plank- first start off with your knees bent, you may not be strong enough to do the full plank (if you aren't you'll fall)
Now for massage:
Pelvic floor- find your hip bone now trail it down to your mons pubis where you will feel your pelvic bone, trail back along the line and you'll find a dip, rub in circles for 2 minutes on each side.
Neck- get a towel, put it over your shoulder, grip it from the front with the arm it's over and from the back with the other arm and pull.
Hope these help
Just seen this! Yes lots of these exercises were suggested by the osteo FaithMarie
I'd really recommend seeing an osteo. The home exercises were just to keep up with what she'd done in between appointments. There were lots (Google hip extendor exercises?) but the one I found most effective on my shoulder was (hard to describe in writing!)...
1. Stand in a door way and lean the front of your left shoulder against it.
2. Hold your right arm out so level with you shoulder
3. Turn your neck to the right and look over your right shoulder as far as you comfortably can whilst pressing your left against the wall/door frame.
4. Hold for ten seconds and swop over. Do as often as you remember.
Bare in mind that it was done as part of a programme of exercises!!
Worth googling pelvis misalignment and seeing what comes up if you can't see an osteo?!
Mine is on that level but more to the right....not so much under my neck plus it radiates throughout the tip of my shoulder x
Hell yes! 🙄
My shoulders almost completely lock out, always during ovulation and period. Have done for years and it's agony. My doctor and gynae said it is a common side effect and complaint with Endo
Another joyous symptom to add to the list
Sending you strength to cope with it all, God knows we all need it X
Yes I also get it in that place, but also all over the shoulder area, in pain most of the month. I think mine is definitely endo related as never had it with my pregnancies.
Yep but right shoulder x
Yup, but I have scoliosis so idk if it's from endo or not, I get it after walking.