In Pain Today!: Hi Everyone, Not feeling to... - Endometriosis UK

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In Pain Today!

Jo22frank22 profile image
31 Replies

Hi Everyone,

Not feeling to good today my back and pelvis is Hurting its going to be one of those days today, feeling low today. No doubt I will reaching for the morphine later. Will this pain ever go away!

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Jo22frank22 profile image
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31 Replies
30withendo profile image

Snap jo me too. I can never see an end to this pain that we all go through. I hope you feel better soon. It can be very depressing and leave you feeling very alone at time's as people around you just don't have a clue how hard it is to cope with being in pain. I had such a bad mood swing yesterday that I threw all my medication in the bin.... what's the point in taking things that's highly addictive if it's not working..... everything is just pointless... really hope you start to feel okay.... hugs to you. X

Jo22frank22 profile image
Jo22frank22 in reply to 30withendo

Thanks for your support, Feeling horrible taking painkillers, haven't got to that point yet of throwing medication away because the morphine does help at the moment, how are you feeling too hope you feel better too? Ive got to the point Ive had enough of the pain for 10 years on and off and in and out of hospital and I want hysterectomy and hope that will cure it once and for all. Hugs to you too x

30withendo profile image
30withendo in reply to Jo22frank22

Hi jo no problem at all hope you're feeling a little better. I was diagnosed with ibs over 10 years ago. It's only this year that my GP has finally listened to me after complaing over years of pain to send me to a gyno and not putting it down to ibs all the time. I was refeard in July of this year and I'm currently 7 weeks posts lapp and still in pain still suffering. I had minimal endo but I had addeshion covering my entire left Overy which had then attached to my bowl... on my follow up appointment she couldn't understand why I was still in pain... so now I'm on the pill for 3 month's to see how it goes... and just as I thought it's doing absolutely nothing for me. In October this year when I go back she is sending me to a bowl specialist as she thinks I have endo there...... It never ends :0( xx I just wish there we're something to help even ease the pain on my bad days. Which are now almost every other day.... :0 (

Jo22frank22 profile image
Jo22frank22 in reply to 30withendo

same too I have ibs but after suffering with my cysts near my ovary Im seeing my gyno in October I can't wait my doctor thinks its endometriosis I know it must be. I suffer most days too so I know how u feel , my partner getting fed up with bad most times but I can't help it. The morphine does help but I don't want to depend on it all the time. Hope they sort u out too!

30withendo profile image
30withendo in reply to Jo22frank22

Hi jo snap mine too... its very hard emotionally and physically exhausting. I really hope you sort it all out very soon... and thank you I hope they sort me out too.. I'm just very slowly loosing who I am as a person. Fingers crossed for both of us in October. Good luck keep us posted and take care. X

Jo22frank22 profile image
Jo22frank22 in reply to 30withendo

I feel the same to. It's nice I can talk to u and u understand what we are going through. Yes I will keep u posted and let me know how u get on too. I'm in pain now so I've had my morphine again. I'm tired of it.

30withendo profile image

😔💖 good luck Jo hope you are feeling a little better today. And I'll keep ya posted October seems so far away X

Jo22frank22 profile image
Jo22frank22 in reply to 30withendo

Hi there, still feel the same pelvic pain in my right and left. Trying hard to carry on as normal relying on pain killers, how are you today? I'm counting weeks to my appointment in October. I tried to get a cancellation but they said they are fully booked and Ive got to wait. Good luck too with your appointment. I'm glad we have met. :) x

30withendo profile image

Hi jo I'm not too bad today even though I've slight pain in both my left and Right lower stomach. I've managed to go out to town today for a walk round but no doubt I'll suffer for it later on. It's a shame they can't see you before October as I said before it seems forever away. And I'm glad we have met too at least we can relate to one another and understand what each of us are going through unlike the outside world who just see us as "normal" or them saying get a grip you'll be okay keep strong jo xx ...

Jo22frank22 profile image
Jo22frank22 in reply to 30withendo

I went shopping yesterday and now I paying for too. I hope u don't suffer later I will b thinking of u. 😊 x

Jo22frank22 profile image
Jo22frank22 in reply to 30withendo

what medication do u take? I take all painkillers plus morphine just to control it. X

30withendo profile image

It's bloody crap... I mean what the hell we can't even go shopping without suffering for it afterwards. And thank you jo. Well I was taking (before I threw them in the bin)😯 Tramadol 50mg 2 tablets four times a day my GP has just currently changed my tablets to Mefenamic Acid 500mg 3x daily as ibuprofen 600mg we're doing nothing for me neither are the Mefenamic hence why I had a paddy and threw them all away. Plus I've been on a lot more before all these I take now.... just had enough of popping pills and hoping for the best and then suffering the side affects from the tablets 😭 as well as the pain... then on top of all that family life to deal with.... It all gets a bit too much. I am going to have to make an appointment with my GP and tell her what I've done... don't think that's going to go down well haha then I suppose it will be another lot of different tablets to take ... and then to suffer more side effects. O and normal paracetamol and the pill called microgynon.

Jo22frank22 profile image

I know the feeling. I take Paracetamol, Ibuprofen and on top of that liquid morphine( good Stuff) , codeine and mezzapram for gastro resistant plus my buscopan for my ibs. Me too fed up with taking tablets but what can we do. I have the mirena coil. I understand about family life too. Have you tried liquid morphine? it does help when the pain is so bad. I know its bad that we cant do the things we enjoy anymore nobody understands. Its affecting me working now I can't work because of the pain and having time off I can't seem to keep a job which gets me down even more. When I see the gyno I want a hysterectomy maybe that should do the job for good I hope. Together we will get through this, it shall not beat us and ruin our lives. :) x

30withendo profile image

I've never had liquid morphine jo I guess maybe she is trying me with all the other meds first. I asked her to up my tramadol but she wouldn't she changed my ibuprofen instead. But ill see what she says when I go back. I can't take codeine as I have a bad reaction to it... It makes me so so ill. I must say I don't work and if I did I really don't know how I could cope I find it hard just to do the normal everyday things ie washing cleaning shopping ect and when I've got round to doing them I'm exhausted and need to go to bed but I can't I've two teenage boys to sort out.... I do feel for my family as there mum is now someone who just complains of been in pain everyday. It's like one massive guilt trip you feel. I also suffer with ocd I can't bare my house been messy so when I have my bad days and the home is a mess with my boys I find myself getting so worked up and flip even though I know boy's are boy's and make a mess... It's thought of having to clean it all up as the ocd kicks in.... bless them even though they clean up (their way) it's not mine. Sorry I'm just babbling on now hahaha. Ey dear. I've been told jo that even a hysterectomy isn't always the answer as some women still suffer after it..... but hey fingers crossed it will work for you. I hope it does anyway 💖 xxx

Jo22frank22 profile image
Jo22frank22 in reply to 30withendo

Maybe the Hysterectomy thing is me looking for an answer to fix it and me been rational. I'm a stay home mum too now and I understand about the guilt trip you feel about complaining about the pain we go through its just so hard to live with it. I hate my children seeing me in pain. My children are aged 10 and 7 are they don't understand why i'm in pain? My Partner don't understand why I'm tired all the time, I've tried to talk to him about it but he doesn't want to listen because he is probably worried or scared. I'm fed up of people asking whether i'm in pain thats when I start to snap as I try to cope without people knowing. You are not babbling on, I'm glad we can talk and help each other. :)

30withendo profile image

Maybe it is jo.... have a talk to your doctor and see what the possible outcome would be if you were to have one.... but from what I've read and looked into its not always the answer to your problem's... but however I've also read that it has worked for some ladies. My boy's are a lot older 16 and 17 so they do understand as I've told them what I'm going through. They always ask me if I need any help around the home.... but like I say earlier it's not to my standard so I only go over it when they go out so I don't offend them 😆 bad mum I know hahaha. My partner is the same too jo. I know he loves me we've been together since I was 12 years old but he can be very ignorant to it also as I've always been the one to sort all the household duties out so when I can't do things he will leave them instead of offering to help out a little... but I also know that it must be hard for him to see me like this all the time too and I get that it must also be frustrating For him. Cos if it was the other way around i would probably feel the same way. It's hard. X

Jo22frank22 profile image
Jo22frank22 in reply to 30withendo

I can't wait to see the gyno in october and will see what they say!! Its frustrating for both sides but I wish he would listen and understand more about it. Your so lucky your children help around the house, I have to keep going no matter what and when I go in hospital everything goes to pieces. I cant talk to my parents as they just worry about me doing everything and too much. I can only talk to you. Your not a bad mom, I would probably do the same if my kids helped. How do you feel at the moment? x

30withendo profile image
30withendo in reply to Jo22frank22

That bit add me laugh about you going into hospital and things fall to pieces. Exactly the same for me too I mean can you imagine the mess I came home to with two older teenage boys and a partner that don't do household stuff 😂😂 god I laugh now but I wasn't happy then. And I'm actually not feeling too bad at the min just slight niggles both sides of stomach and just slight back pain 👍 but I don't have much hope in it lasting very long though. How are you X X X X

Jo22frank22 profile image
Jo22frank22 in reply to 30withendo

we can laugh now about it but not when we come out of hospital, it just shows we keep the family going and how they depend on us. My pain is just like yours at the min, like you said how long for we will see! I'm looking forward to next week when my children go back to school, does yours go to college?

30withendo profile image

And I don't really talk to my mum about how bad I can really be as she is not good herself and keeps having mental break downs so it's tough at times cos I feel like I don't have anyone to talk to that really understands. And I haven't spoken to my father in over four years X long lonely road at times. X

Jo22frank22 profile image
Jo22frank22 in reply to 30withendo

Both my parents have health issues themselves and I'm sorry to hear that about yours and I don't have many friends either that understand. I'm here if you want to talk, I understand too about been lonely at times and in pain nobody to listen. You know my name is Jo , whats your name?

30withendo profile image
30withendo in reply to Jo22frank22

Thank you jo and my name is Rebecca but I prefer Becky. And sorry to hear about your parent's too. I'm guessing we were dealt with the joker at birth. We have so many issue's the same X maybe I was just ment to comment on your status as I've read so many but your's I just had to reply to I don't know why as I've never commented on any of the others just read them..... but I also believe in fate so maybe I was just ment to reply to yours. X xx

30withendo profile image
30withendo in reply to 30withendo

And yes my boy's are at college one just starting next week X

Jo22frank22 profile image
Jo22frank22 in reply to 30withendo

Thanks Becky, Yes I believe in fate too, Ive only mainly replied to yours and read the others but we just seem to have clicked. I hope we can help each other through our difficult days together. Don't forget go to your gp and get your medication sorted even though we think it don't help, it certainly takes the edge off the pain. You know where I am if you need to talk! I've got to go now so I will say Goodnight and will speak soon. x :)

30withendo profile image
30withendo in reply to Jo22frank22

Good night Jo. Speak soon X hope ya feel okay tomorrow xx I will phone my GP on Monday. And explain what I've done 😕 xx

Jo22frank22 profile image
Jo22frank22 in reply to 30withendo

Hope you feel better tomorrow too. :) x

Jo22frank22 profile image
Jo22frank22 in reply to 30withendo

good morning Becky, how r u today? Pelvis and back hurting a little. It was lovely talking to u yesterday. 😊 x

30withendo profile image
30withendo in reply to Jo22frank22

Afternoon jo. I must be on a roll because I'm not too bad again today.. I must say it don't feel normal being okay 😊glad you're feeling okay ish too. Wow we are having a few good days Jo


Jo22frank22 profile image
Jo22frank22 in reply to 30withendo

that's good glad your ok too. This is one of them rare occasions lets hope it continues. X😊

Tboag profile image

Hi ladies just wondering if you are all under a bsge specialist centre, I wasn't last year and had removal of minimal endo, on uterosacral ligaments and diagnosed with adenomyosis, had a hysterectomy 4 months later, and whilst it has helped in certain areas, I'm still suffering, now awaiting another laparoscopy with a bsge specialist,

Bsge specialist centre deal with all types off endometreosis, if not already please get refferal,

Good luck xxx

Jo22frank22 profile image
Jo22frank22 in reply to Tboag

Thanks for the Advice X

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