Hi chaps!
In a previous post, a few commenters recommended I insist to my GP on a referral to a BSGE centre given my Gynae is a bit of a pain in the proverbial and very dismissive.
How exactly do I go about this? Do I just literally make a GP appointment and ask them to refer me there? In the meantime I have requested a copy of my medical notes from the hospital as I distinctly remember my original GP years and years ago reading a letter from the surgeon who did my lap and said "he noted small lesions when removing your ovarian cyst". However my gynae never mentioned this and I'm too nervous to ask her to find it, just in case my memory is faulty and I have somehow imagined that (I'm 99% certain I haven't!) as that one letter will make the difference to being taken seriously and being dismissed. I also have Joint Hypermobility which is starting to cause issues so I'm curious to see what they've said about me in my notes!
I found the below website which I'm assuming is the right website/organisation but wanted to check as it doesn't say NHS? If it's right then hooray as there's a centre not too far from York.
Appreciate any help and massive thanks to those who commented before - you've given me the boot in the backside I needed to go get 'em!