Hi everyone, I just need some advice on endometriosis. I've always have very painful, very heavy periods and over the years I've controlled them using various contraceptive pills, the injection, the implant etc. A few years ago I decided to not take any hormonal contraceptives in a bid to get to know my body and my cycle in its natural state. The last 2 years I've been quite unwell, I had problems with my lower back (doctors seemed to think it was my kidneys, although I never got a proper diagnosis) and passing urine was painful. I've also had problems with my digestive system, suspected gluten intolerance but tests showed that wasn't the case. Symptoms seem to come and go, and vary in severance. I've also suffered from depression and anxiety, so the last few years have been pretty rubbish!
I've read that endometriosis can affect things like this, and the more I read about it the more it makes sense. I'm really trying not to self diagnose via Google, but I can't shake the feeling that I might have endometriosis. I'm not sure if this is related, but I often have a lot of pain after sex and a few years ago I had an ultrasound scan to check my uterus and ovaries, everything was ok but the nurse mentioned that I had polyps on my ovaries. I've also been told I have IBS in the past, but I don't think this is the case, the symptoms come and go and don't match up with diet patterns etc....it just doesn't make sense. I saw my doctor today and as soon as I mentioned the word endometriosis he just said 'you don't have that!' and just prescribed painkillers instead. He was so dismissive - how can he just know that?! Im wondering if it's worth getting a second opinion, or if I'm barking up the wrong tree. I'm fed up with having to convince people that my period pain is worse that a 'normal' period pain, I'm taking time off work and it's getting to be a problem. Any help/advice/similar experiences would be gratefully received, and sorry that this is a bit of a rant....I'm just so fed up!