So fed up with the pain. I had a laparosapy just over 4 weeks ago. Friday went to my gp as was still in pain she sent me straight to the hospital to gynaecology. I'm still here now been poked prodded dosed up on pain Meds had all tests done and a dye ct scan and still no answer about the chronic pain even had one doc say your constipated. Broke down this morning feel like no one understands they make me feel as if I'm putting the pain on I don't expect sympathy from any just want some answers which I'm not getting. I'm not coping well physically or emotionally at the moment...does anyone no of a speacialist clinic in the south East
Exhausted : So fed up with the pain. I had... - Endometriosis UK

I'm in Essex, Southend, and I go to a bsge specialist centre in Kent, get a refferal to a bsge centre, where did they remove endo from, ???
Hope you get some relief soon xx
Had the laparosapy in southend. Some of The doctors here are that useless that one tried to tell me it's un usual to get endo in the womb. Seen a registra this morning his gonna speak to his boss and get me under the pain management team. Once I'm discharged from southend hospital gonna see my gp for a referral to a speacialist hospital
I was operated on in the Wellesley hospital nhs. Southend, my gyne was great, but not a specialist in endo, and unfortunately they do tend to miss endo,
Endo in the womb is usually in the wall and is called adenomyosis, I had a hysterectomy for this with the same gyne ,
Defo get a refferal kent or Colchester or a few in London, xxx
I'm now home my choice as I refused the morphine. I've gotta go back to see the speacialist and chronic pain team but I'm gonna get another opinion as I can't suffer like this. Did a hysterectomy help you as they said to me it will cause more complications as the endometriosis is on my bowel and bladder as well as taken over my ovaries xxx
No not really, I had the hysterectomy for adenomyosis and it's a cure for that, obviously don't have periods so that's great and my Bach pains loads better, but endo pain hasn't helped at all, still get daily pain, in pelvis bum hips groin and legs, not quite as bad but still painful, defo get a refferal to a bsge centre xx
He told you Endo is rare in the womb? Christ! Us women know more than the doctors!!!! Im sorry but what a prat. Defo go and see a specialist and get some proper treament. I wish you well xx