Hi all, I'm 20 w/ possible endo & on diaphragm. I was first referred to gyne in Dec and despite collapsing from pain during the app was told that I should just change pill to see how it manages the pain. Had emergency referral again for gyne who said I should have a laparoscopy and am now told that the wait on the urgent list is 9-12 months. The pain has gotten so severe I can only manage to get out of bed for a few hours a day, this has severely effected my work and social life aswell as my education at uni. I have tried to do slight exercise just walking as its all I can manage but I'm always left bed bound for days after working out. My doctor isn't very helpful and keeps asking me what pain medication I would prefer then keeps giving me co-codomol which make me so constipated? I don't have any clue!! I just feel so so down as I don't really have anyone that can empathise with me or to talk to. My boss in work keeps telling me that it's a mind game and that I'm bringing the pain on by thinking about it.
Does anyone have any advice that would help?? What medication to take, specialists in NI, what routes you followed? Anything I can't deal with this pain anymore it's driving me insane!!