Hi all,
So I went for another follow up with my consultant yesterday. I have an endometrioma and severe endo (bladder, bowels etc). I asked the following questions and got the following relies. Who was right?
-my endometrioma came back straight after the lap at 5cm. I think it needs removing before I get a referral for IVF. He said "go for the referral first, they're gynocologists and will just remove it if they need to. If I take it out first it may be unnecessary."
-what about putting me on these injections you mentioned. He said "problem is you either want to manage pain or get pregnant. You can't do both and when ttc injections aren't for you".
-will injections "kick start" my ovaries? He said "IVF do a similar thing with a tablet. Do it through them".
-can't you refer me to the specialist endo centre down the road? He said "well there's a specialist here now who has similar qualificiations and is very interested in endo".
-can't we look at removing it. This is where it got interesting. He said "it's not like I don't want to operate but no one will be able to remove all of yours ever. It's so bad. We'd effect your vital organs and could make you worse. Plus, this wouldn't necessarily improve pain or fertility".
-will this endometrioma take over the world? It seems massive and the pain in my pelvis is now just as bad as the ovary? He said "no. It might not even grow and if it does it'll just grow into the stomach and you won't know it's there". (I know it's there. It knacks. Plus My left side is bulging where my right is not).
And so on and so on. Luckily I had a friend with me who said she felt like I was completely fobbed off.
After reading so much on here I really felt equipped and knowledgable. I've read research papers on endo, endometriomas and IVF recently.
Is it worth trying immediately for a referral to IVF? I don't really want IVF. Psychologically I don't have hope in it, despite knowing it works for some.
Should I ask my GP to refer me to the specialist endo centre which is the same distance away as the hospital I'm at? Is this endometrioma going to take over the world?! I feel like there should be some cliff hanger music.
Joking aside, I feel lost. Please help x