HI am Laura 31 I had a hystercomty 6 years ago since then I've had so much in my left side . They left both my overies in not wanting me to go throu the change so early I've had scans etc which have shown both overies are covered in cysts I don't have periods . So the consultant wants to try me on these injections to turn my overies off . Has anybody else had these gnrh injections .... am so confused coz if they find this doesn't work they are going put a camera in my tummy
GRNH INJECTIONS : HI am Laura 31 I had a... - Endometriosis UK
Hi Laura the injections basically put you into a temporary menopause. I'm on my 5th injection and they've been a big help. I would suggest you do some research on them before you have them as they do come with a lot of side effects some of which can be long term even after you stop them. When you say they want to put a camera in your tummy do mean a laparoscopy? If this is the case I wouldn't worry to much as it will give them a much better idea of what is going on.
Yeah I mean a laparoscopy . I've read the side effects and some of them really don't sound nice at all . How are they given ? I've read it gets injected under your skin on your tummy / buttock ... do you have to start hrt once your on these. Am glad they are working for you and thank you for answering my questions x
I had to have a hysterectomy due to the fact they couldn't control my bleeding which we try ed lots of different things coil etc . The pain I get is like a stabbing pain in my lower side it goes in my hip and I get pins n needles down my leg my tummy swells up around the same time every month . When am in so much pain the only thing to cure it is morphine which I have to go to hospital for . They have only just found cysts n signs of endometriosis on my last scan . Am in market Drayton Shropshire
It sounds like you are going to continue having problems with your overies, which caused all the problems in the first place. If you had a hysterectomy due to endo or other issues, the root cause of endo is your ovary's. If you're concerned with hormones there are plenty of hormone replacement therapies, and I know a few woman who successfully wear a patch or take them by mouth. If your ovary's have cycsts and causing that much of problem, hormones or not, those girls need to go! You've already had the hysterectomy, just have the rest taken out, the one's that are causing the problem from the beginning. I have a good friend who first had a hyster like you but they left the ovary's in, like you. Same problems persisted and they told her, "sorry, but the ovary's need to come out after all". Her attitude was, "gee thanks a lot, would have been nice to have been aware of this option from the beginning and I wouldn't have had to have had TWO surgeries!". I would do yourself a favor and consider just not dealing with them anymore, you will be probably be a lot happier.
Your ovary's do....In addition to my endometriosis that is covered outside my uterus covering several organs and inside, I also have cysts. The cyst on my left is the size of a tangerine and the one on the right is the size of an orange. My body, for whatever reason and like thousands of other woman is just simply out of control. I had cysts on my ovary's in highschool, they disappeared after I had kids for years, but then came back about 12-15 years later and would spontaneous burst (NOT a good time), so now it's like it's all driving in the fast lane and I made the decision to just have it all out...many tears and I am scared, but so ready for this pain and chaos in my body to be over. Take care!
Just thaught I'd give a quick up date went back to hospital yesterday to see consulant who has now decided she will do a laparoscopy in about 5 weeks so just waiting for a date now .... fingers crossed they find the problem and sort it ...