Have any of you ladies been on a pregestorone pill, and what was the out come, did it work for your endo pain.
Have any of you ladies been on a pregestorone pill, and what was the out come, did it work for your endo pain.
Hello I was on this pill earlier this year not for endo pain and a contraceptive due to keep getting migraines taking the combined pill, the pill seemed to make my periods longer and more frequent but it is meant to help and eventually most women stop bleeding all together I must just be one of the unlucky ones!! Xx
I started on progesterone only pill for suspected scar endo. It has reduced that problem thankfully but I still get periods. They are lighter but all over the place and still painful. I don't get ridiculous endo pain though so not sure if it would help. It hasn't caused any side effects though so might be worth a try
I'm on cerazette which is a pop. It takes away nearly all my endo pain but I've bled every other week for the 3 months I've been on it. Touch wood I seem to be coming out the other side and have very little bleeding the last few weeks but it has left me virtually pain free since I started. xx
I'm taking progesterone pills and it has reduced my pain, because it causes me not to have cycles or periods at all. I do have some pain at times, but not the severe pain I'd get each month. On the down side, it makes me hungry all the time including during the night. I'd rather go off it and not be ravenous all the time, but am hoping that it will prevent more adhesions from forming between my organs and keep my endometriomas from growing, so that I can avoid having more surgeries in the future.
I was on progesterone pill since July it reduced my pAin and stopped my periods beside minor side effects I was fine but in mid October I started spotting had a follow up was send for ultra sound scan,then from the beginning of November started bleeding heavily,Dr stopped my progesterone pills.my scan report wasn't good ,uterus enlarged with fibroids and my endometrial linning gone thick.biopsy taken no report yet 4 weeks gone.