Just wondered if anybody had issues after having the mirena coil ? Does it completely stop endo or does it come back ?? Xxx
Mirena coil : Just wondered if anybody had... - Endometriosis UK
Mirena coil

Hi, I had the mirena coil inserted in February 2014, and it halved my pain and my periods got lighter. I haven't had any issues but then again I haven't had my diagnostic lap yet (8 days to go!) I would say it is worth all the hassle. If you still have bad period pain, then you can go back to your GP and ask to be put on the pill as well and see if that helps (it helped me, I actually got regular periods). If it doesn't, you can always have it removed. I have heard that the mirena stops endo growing or even shrinks it if you have mild to moderate endo, however I'm not sure how true this is.
Hope this helps,
Ruby xx
Thank you for your reply Hun it defo helped my pain and periods for at least the first year, but then my periods changed the last 2 months again and I've now got lots of other pains, I've got a gyni app in 2 weeks so will see what they say, hope you get on ok? Do you get any other pains at all xx
My experience after having the coil was awful. Please don't think I'm trying to frighten you but every one is so different, so you might react differently to it.
A few days after insertion I had terrible back pain which has always been with me since - it's not half as bad as it was, but it tends to come when im on my feet a lot, or if im really tired. I had my coil fitted the day of my laparoscopy and when I was diagnosed, but I can safely say after having the coil for 6 months my symptoms and pain hasn't improved one bit! The only thing it has helped however, is that sex isn't so painful anymore. So at least I had one advantage from it.
Good luck,
Lots of love
Hi there,
I had a mixed experience with the mirena. At first, it did help. However, after a while the endo pain came back with a vengeance. I had it removed a month ago and I've been so much better since!
I've written a post about my experience on this and just updated it. You should be able to find it on my profile.
Feel free to ask me any questions.
All the best xx
Please could I read it, I've been awful the last 3 months, the bleeding more or less stopped the first year then these last 2 months I noticed they have got a bit heavier now I'm having terrible back and leg pain and a sort of tugging feeling up my bits (sorry) it's making me feel so depressed I don't know what to do with myself 😢😢😢
By all means, sweetie!
You poor thing. I completely understand. The debacle with the mirena really upset me too. I was sold the idea that it would fix everything so when it caused me almost as much pain as before, I was so upset. I actually cried when they removed it because I was so relieved it was finally out!
My suggestion to you would be to see your gynae ASAP. In the meantime, it may well be worth getting the mirena removed. Clearly it's not helping you, so it's likely that your doctor will suggest its removal anyway. xx
So I also had an awful experience with the mirena coil. I only managed to keep it in a month. Before I suffered pain for the first three days of my period where only cocodamol provided relief. For the first seven days I felt fine. I then suffered again and had my coil checked twice to make sure it was positioned correctly. I then went to a&e a few days later in excruciating pain and ended up on morphine. I eventually begged to have it removed. I saw my consultant two weeks later and had a laparoscopy two and a half weeks ago. I see him again in January to discuss the next surgery. I knew it was the coil but no one would listen. I wish I had a more positive experience. I hope it helps you but all you can do is try. Trust your instincts and if things aren't right make sure they listen. No one knows your body better than you do yourself x
Hi I've had a terrible experience with the Lorena. It's been five months since my laparoscopy and the coil fitted in with no relief whatsoever. I'm seeing my gynae Tuesday to see what ti do now. But the pain is actually worse for me. Please don't get frightened by this post but everyone's body reacts differently. I hope it helps you. Xxx