Hey guys,
Something unusual happened night before, woke up with severe pain in left ovary, thought i was stabbed. On that note that full day i had ovulation type pain. Went to bathroom, an as i was passing urine i felt like i was about to pass out, visions all blurred an next min i was on floor. I mustv passed out twice then got to bedroom and passed out again (sure mustv had a great fall as i feel bruised all over) kept gettin in an out of consciousness. Went hospital an bloods wer normal so was urine test, but blood pressure was low. I have severe endo, an had a failed ivf cycle recently. Not had a proper period yet an i am a week overdue. Any idea what it cud be??? Im still gettin hot flushes, an i took prostap injection back in july supposedly lasting for three months? Endo pains are mainly lower back pains oh the joys 😥 Xx