Is there a good chance that it's Endometr... - Endometriosis UK

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Is there a good chance that it's Endometriosis?

Msperie93 profile image
5 Replies

I've been dealing with severe abdominal and pelvic pain since my early teens. I'm 21 now. The first time the pain happened, the hospital found ovarian cysts. But I haven't had any more after that. The pain is so bad, I have to lay in a fetal position with a pillow between my legs. I can barely walk or stand up straight. Sometimes I can't make it to the bathroom without almost passing out.

I also get fatigue, chills, I shake, nausea (threw up 3 times the other day), back pain, hip pain, shoulder pain, dizzy spells, constipation, pain when moving bowels and peeing, my vagina and anus hurts sometimes. I've almost fainted many times. I fell over a chair because I couldn't stand anymore. Ive had so many hospital visits, I can't count.

I've also had rib pain since I was 12 and when breathing in. Was always diagnosed with Pleurisy but it always came back.

I do want to mention that I have Lyme disease.

My periods can be heavy and get a lot of clots. The pain and symptoms come whenever it wants. Before, during and after period.

It's gotten worse over the years. I ruled so many things out. I had an endoscopy and I have GERD and hiatal hernia. But it doesn't explain what I go through. I had a colonoscopy and it was normal. Blood work is normal, as well as CT scans, X rays, MRI, Ultrasound. It's not my appendix or gall bladder. I am getting a Laparoscopy soon! I'm so happy but I'm so afraid I won't get the answer even though I believe it's Endo but I don't want anyone thinking I'm crazy. I'm so scared :( what do you ladies think? I don't know what I will do if nothing is found. I'm so depressed and the pain and everything is so bad that I feel like doing something drastic.

Thank you so much for reading and answering.

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Msperie93 profile image
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5 Replies
nikita_60 profile image

Hi hun, I am so sorry to hear that. You have really been through so much already. I would say that it deffo sounds like endo as I have suffered with it many years and what you are saying is how I feel and lots of endo sufferers seem to have the same problems . Hope you get a answer after your op

Msperie93 profile image
Msperie93 in reply to nikita_60

Thank you xx

I'm so excited and anxious for the surgery

Lots of love to you

Lcbxo profile image

Hey, it's so weird reading your post because it's so similar to my situation! I've been suffering from 'IBS' symptoms since I was 14 and I'm 21 now too. I've had blood tests, urine tests, stool tests, an abdominal scan and a colonoscopy last week. All came back normal but still pain every day, in my back and lower abdomen. Plus all the other horrible bowel/period symptoms. I'm going back to the doctor next week to ask for a gyno referral. I'm sorry I can't offer anything else but I'd say just keep pushing the doctors to listen to you! It seems sad that our worst fears are finding nothing but hopefully they'll find what's going on. Good luck with the surgery xxx

Alicepirate profile image

I also have Lyme disease and endo do you find some of the symptoms are very similar and one is effecting other maybe ? How long have you had Lyme? 

Thereshope profile image

Wow so similar! I was diagnosed with psco IBS hiatus hernia I lived with 20 years of pain and infertility . I had blocked fallopian tubes with no explanation I opted to have them out 3 weeks ago should have been a quick 30 minute op but ended up 4 hours as they found adhesions both sides of my pelvis old and new scar tissue patches of endometriosis and my right ovary was Fused to another organ. I'm still in shock . I'm now wondering if the pain in my ribs are related I feel like my organs are swollen and trying to push their way out of my ribs it's unbelievable also when I poop I have been getting deep pelvic and back pain

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