Hi ladies, am really upset today. Got my appointment to see the endo specialist and its over 4 months away on October 26th. Can't believe I've got to wait that long when I'm struggling to get through a day with pain. Is that a fair time to wait to see a specialist? Any advice would be much appreciated x x
Pi***d off: Hi ladies, am really upset... - Endometriosis UK
Pi***d off

It isn't a fair time to wait as you are in lots of pain but unfortunately this seems to be what happens. It can take a while to get in but your GP should be working on managing your pain for you while you wait. Do you mind me asking what you are being given for pain ??? Xxx
Hi Kayleigh,
I am taking co codamol. I can't take ibuprofen because I have a hiatus hernia and am allergic to big doses of morphine. Am going to go back to gp and see if there is any stronger painkillers I can take. I just couldn't believe it when it said October!! X x
I know it's such a long wait ! It shouldn't be like that ! I take tramadol with the co codamol and this often works well ? Maybe this could be an option ?? There should be other options as well for you they can't leave you in pain xxx
Will see what the gp says about tramadol. I know it's ridiculous. Am pleased I've got an appointment to see a specialist, but so frustrated it's so far away. Thank you for listening x x
Oh dear,that is most unfair!....Being in pain and all your Gp could have booked you an urgent appointment.
I got Chelsea and Westminster hospital for a 4weeks wait and was described Diclofenac for pain in the meantime(Please ask your go about this drug as its strong and has been effective for me).
Hang in there Nessyfrewer73 yould be fine.xxx.

Hi Atutu,
I thought 4 months is an excessive wait when I'm in so much pain everyday. It was my gynae at the hospital that contacted the endo specialist, and was really shocked when I saw how long they expect me to wait. Will see what my gp says about diclofenic in the meantime. Thank you for your advice x x
Sadly yes this is normal. I was in desperate pain.....so I ended up paying to see the specialist private the following morning, (£150) and then they prescribed my treatment and surgery back on the nhs track. I ended up having my surgery sooner than my initial appointment was!!! I couldn't bear the pain and although the fee may seem a lot to some it was really worth it to me in terms of the amount of time I was taking off work etc just made sense. Also meant I was able to pick the specialist I knew was best for endometriosis. Not just get stuck with any gynae surgeon on referral.
Its starting to look like you need to go private... Miss Amanda Tozer is a specialist at the London women clinic talked me through endometriosis and treatment options however consultation is £180 but immediate!(Money rules sadly).
Merging private and nhs is great for a second opinion.

Thanks hun will check it out. It's very sad isn't it that they earn money from people's suffering but I suppose that's the world we live in x x
Hi Nessy
I too paid for my 1st consultation too with my endo specialist i rung the hospital i am with and found out what consultant i was under and i then rung spires within 6 day i was seen by him.I am not awaiting a total hysterectomy which could take upto 8 months before i have it..I am now back on the nhs waiting list for this and also i am on propstap injection alongside with livial (hrt tablets).I have just had my 2nd injection on the 1st June but still in loads of pain as i have endo and adenemyotis too..I know we shouldn't have to pay but it will cut your waiting time down if you need an op..Well i hope you get some good painkillers from your GP on Monday take care Sharon xxx
Hi Sharon,
Seems like I will need to pay for the first consultation which is going to be difficult as I'm registered disabled because of a back injury. It's terrible that we have to suffer so much and then feel we have to pay because of how long we have to wait. I'm pleased to hear your problems are at last getting sorted. I was offered prostate to see if it made my symptoms better, then if it worked, a hysterectomy would be the main option. Will see what the doctor says about medication. Thank you for your advice 😀 x x
My wait is May to August for the endo centre. I have been in pain since November but was initially sent to colo-rectal and urology. My first gynae I was referred in Jan and saw them in April so it sounds about right. Unfortunatley being in pain does not warrant speedier treatment.
Painkiller wise I take Cocodamol as my regular and top up with Ibuprofen or Tramadol dependent on need. I'll be honest sometimes it doesn't take the pain away but it does leave me at a level I can function. Just watch the Tramadol side effects - they are a little bit "woohoo" like you've had a few - which I find can be unpredicatble; different levels on different days.
Good luck.
Co codamol is what I take every day as well, but cannot take ibuprofen because of a hiatus hernia. Will see what the.doctor says about tramadol. Am also going to contact my gynae and see what they say. I think it's terrible that we should have to wait so long in pain to be seen by someone. Good luck to you too x
Do what I do honey, find out the name of the specialist you are under and then find out his secretary's tel number and weekly ring her to see if they have any cancellations , don't be rude just explain how desperate you are ( if your lucky you may get in earlier ( I by loads of health issues fibro is just one) so I go in and out of hospital regular, I have employed this method various times sometimes it has worked , sometimes not but it surely is worth trying!!
I learnt long ago not to hold g.p's or specialists as being above me, or to feel intimidated by them , I think one particular secretary helped me get seen 4 weeks before my allotted time just to get rid of me!!!
That sounds like a good plan, will give it a go 😀 will also find out about fentanyl patches as well. The doctors and specialists don't intimidate me, I'm similar, been in and out of hospital and seen lots because of other health problems too, one being a back injury I have had for over 10 years. That's why I definitely don't I tend on waiting that long to be seen. Thanks for the advice hun x x x