hi folks.. im after some advice I have just been discharged by my gyne 9 months ago my gp referred me with query endo.. my symptoms permanent pain im my abdo which gets increasingly worse as I'm due a period.. very heavy painful periods and pain during intercourse. The gyne wouldn't do a laproscopy but prescribed me a 3 month course of zoladex which was wonderful after about week to ten ten days after first jab I realised I was in no pain at all however once my first three have came to an end my gyne wanted me to wait a month b4 going back I did start to feel pain again nothing like b4 but very much like the begining I was told this wasn't possible why would I be bleeding internally if not externally (about two days later I came on) but he gave me another 6 months course of zoladex still refusing a laproscopy.. now I'm being told the pain is in the wrong place to be gyne related and the zoladex only worked because of the placebo effect so having being told pain is subjective and I must have a low pain threshold I was discharged back to my gp.. my question is should I ask for a second opinion at z different hospital? it's worth noting I know at least two people who have had similar issues with this consultant who where then diagnosed and treated for gyne problems.. please help im still in pain (increasing daily) but also very distressed by this
dismissed and discharged :-( : hi folks... - Endometriosis UK
dismissed and discharged :-(

Yes I would ask for a second opinion, where is your pain, and what other symptoms do you get,
Look at a lady called Lindle her posts are great and you could see how you relate to the symptoms on there and take them along to your Gp with a diary of your pain, keep pressing on with it, and keep your chin up
hi thanks for the reply my pain started on left side granted its rather high for ovaries (gyne said this) but caint endo be anywhere) but it is also lower left side across bottom of my abdo and lower right side... my other symptoms are pain top of left leg occssional back ache ( all which i thought were unrelated until the zoladex got rid of those as well) pain during and after intercourse but no bleeding and really heavy periods.
The pain intensifies as im due on and settles a few days after i get my period but it never settles completely so each month it gets worse , fortunaetly i have a very good gp but caint get an appointment with him till 29/o4 the pain is a lot less severe now but then thanks to zoladex i havnt had a period for 6 months but can feel it getting worse as i approach my first period since i finished the zoladex
aww emily im so sorry to hear your in pain and not getting any help, as tboag mentioned, look on lindles posts she has amazing information, please please ask for a 2nd opinion and let us know how you get on.
sending hugs
Don't doubt yourself if your in pain then your in pain, it really dosnt mater what pain thesehold you have, it's still pain that hasn't been diagnosed and that shouldn't be there, we shouldn't get pain after sex or before and after period, perhaps a little during but that shouldn't be intense,
Good luck xxx
thanks that makes me feel better i just want to know why im in pain why its effecting my daily life both with kids and husband he hates thinking he is hurting me and we do (did ) have a very active love life now im just scared it will hurt and thats not right
he is being wonderfully supportive but this is effecting him as well
wow thanks so much ...i felt i didnt tick all the boxes for hi m and when ever i tried to say anything that disproved his theory i was shouted down i saw him twice and two of his team memebers (lackies) the first one suggested the zoladex as an alternative to a lap as i have had a few abdominal surgerys but laughed when i said my gp reffered because he suspected endo because i shouldnt have pain all the time it should go when my perod ended ...but i now have some amunition to go back to my gp with him infairness to himhe reffered me as an urgent gyne refferal because of the pain i was in and it was a case of the first consultant available so i will go back and talk to him again thank you so much for your advice
I would definitely go for a second opinion ..demand a scan and ask for a laproscopy ... xx
Get them to check for cyst .. as I have a dermoid cyst on my left ovary getting it removed tomorrow ..had a lap back in 2012 and was told then it was just a fibroid but now after fighting and demanding scans I know it's the dermoid and been suggested that I have endo .... again .. maybe they will look properly good luck xxx
Sorry to say it but this guy sounds completely out of his depth and not terribly experienced re endo. Yes please do ask for a second opinion and ask to be sent to an endometriosis specialist and not a general gynae.
Hi! I had the same pain as you in lower abdomen back and thighs. Also had pain really high up on right side, it almost felt like a sharp constant stitch sometimes and turned out that my bowel and stomach were stuck together by adhesions so just because your pain is too high for ovaries it really can spread anywhere! I was in the same position as you had several scans all came back clear and was made to feel like I was making it up! It is a struggle to get diagnosed but you know you're own body better than anyone and you know when there's something wrong, listen to your body and demand a second opinion!
Hope you're feeling better soon! X
well folks its a week today i go to my gp to ask him to refer me for a second opinion..i have lots of info to ask for and to help support my case i will let you know how it all goes