How much does endo effect fertility. What are the chances of getting pregnant after sever endo laparoscopy.
Are there chance to conceive naturally ? Any success stories?
How much does endo effect fertility. What are the chances of getting pregnant after sever endo laparoscopy.
Are there chance to conceive naturally ? Any success stories?
It depends more on where it is than how extensive it is, though just having it can be an issue. If it isnt on your tubes and ovaries you have a good chance. I was told I had no chance of concieving as my endo was so extensive and fast growing and concieved in my first month of trying. You just don't know until you try. As you have an existing reason for possible infertility you can go to your GP sooner for help too. 'Normal' women with no issues can take 2 years to be successful so do not put yourself under too much stress while you're trying. Best chance you have is to enjoy ttc and not to heavily invest in fertility tests and panicking about basal temperature. I think it's still recommended to have sex every other day so you don't miss your day. Xxx
Hi I'm just interested as I'm noticing a pattern did u fall pregnant after a lap or meds to subdue ur endo-or did u find out u had severe endo and try to conceive and fell preg without any assistance?
Ok interesting my doc says I shouldn't have lap it lesens ivarian reserve and im severe he wants me back on hormones till i can afford ivf again.
Hi my endo was spread to my ovaries and had a lap to remove all endo in July last year and in Dec I found out I was pregnant naturally and I am now 23 weeks with a little girl. So push for the lap if you feel it can help you xx
Thanks for all your comments. I had my lap done few months before. It was sever and my tubes are fine. As I do not have any pain, I am not under any medication.
I am ttc naturally and waiting for IVF appointment. I am 34 now and bit worried.
Any stories of successful pregancy naturally with sever endo? Ivf first successful cycle stories any?
Looking for some hope and positive reply to encourage me.
When I went to the GP about not getting pregnant, I was referred back to the gyne who had done my first diagnosis laparoscopy and removal in May 2010. I was stage 3 at that time and had the mirena inserted.
I had the mirena removed in February 2012.
He suggested carrying out another lap, as a percentage of woman fall pregnant naturally afterwards. I had it done in September 2013- not as bad as previous findings, but still required removal. A dye test was also conducted on the fallopian tubes which were clear.
We didn't get pregnant naturally, even with trying clomid, so after the other tests and ticking of boxes, we were referred for IVF.
I was always concerned in my head that the endo was attacking any possible embryo growing.
When we had our first consultation, I asked about this and was told that IVF almost bypasses the endo hotspots, so they weren't concerned.
What was interesting was that my amh, which had never been tested before, was low for my age (35 at the time). They said that they would expect to see this from someone who has endo on the ovaries and from previous surgeries. I'd never been told/thought that the surgeries would chip away at my supply...I wish in someways looking back now, that they conducted this check before to have a comparison. Anyway, can't change it now!
Some ladies with endo having IVF have additional pre drugs like the pill to calm the endo down first, but as I get so many migraines that was not an option.
We got pregnant during our first NHS IVF cycle, but sadly miscarried in the 10th week in mid March. We haven't had our follow up appointment yet, so haven't had their thoughts on the reasons.
There are always difficult decisions to consider with every step, but you will get there