hi Ladies, when does your pain usually occur? I have 2 weeks where the pain is the worst around my period but I also have a few days at other times where Im in pain. Because of this my GP thinks it's IBS.. I just wondered if anybody else experienced intermittent pain?
When does your pain occur?: hi Ladies, when... - Endometriosis UK
When does your pain occur?

Hi there, my go told me I had ibs, when was 18, dismissed as ibs&stress for years, then at 27 was diagnosed via lap with endo - so felt lost - like most of us who've been fobbed of, patronised or just not taken seriously. So I pledged to heal myself, no more surgeries or medication, that made me feel like I was rotting in the inside.
my "pain" patterns shifted dramatically over the last fifteen years. I used to keep a journal of it. Which helped me to see a lot. Triggers and patterns.
For about a decade it was the first 7 -10 days of bleed, starting on day 1 then it shifted to start really bad day 2, it would be black tar like consistency for 4 days, dry sore paste like - then turn red a few days later. ( back then my period would last 14 days) plus I get lots of little twingey/stab attacks for a second or so when not on period. Then shifted to day 3, then 4, at this time it was the absolute worst I'd say, I'd be in horrific pains, and often question the point of living ( just at this time) It was that bad.
Since then I took responsibility for my health, I quit nhs - & read everything I could on endo, immunity, etc. began overhauling diet, changing lifestyle, allergy testing - wheat , gluten, sugar, soya, meat all came up for me- so I cut them.
Plus cutting as much mental & physical stress as poss (hardest one) & doing yoga, buy Louise grines 15 min yoga DVDsbook ( brilliant) cutting plastics out ( food packaging, shower gelS, parabens, sls, perfumes, gone replacing with organic where poss). Became vegan, added plant protein sun warrior , l-glutamine, floradix ( all powder/liquids) to my diet.,raw reserve greens powder. Go massage, acupuncture weekly, or when I could afford. After many years of this:
My Bleeds are now red, 4-5 days & I'm now just "sore"in days 1and 2. Then I forget I'm on. No bowel / urine stuff, no pass-out twist/rip out, stabbing pains, no hemiphlegicmigraines,
No back probs, clear skin, no bloating,etc. . Read Dian mills key to endo health nutrition book / there's hope. Stay positive - you can help yourself through holistic support. Xxx
Hi you responded to my "distress call" a few days ago....I just want to know what stage endo were you when u decided to quite meds etc...have you had a child?I feel likrim in limbo....I'm in no state to make any decisions...but I'm just wandering....thanks x
Hello hope2heal, ok it's a bit of blur - as what my surgeons told me, I either didn't understand it - so can't fully recall in great detail but some is there. Looking back - I was always on the edge of a nervous breakdown - or having one. before or after surgery/drs appointment/ period. I had two surgeries, endo both ovaries and kidneys. They could only remove endo on right ovary as too dangerous to do left ovary ( as it was stuck to kidney). They said something about my bowel being impacted too. Again I was always confused as hell, whenever I had someone " talk" at me, about my particular ebdo. I was sent home after the 2nd surgery only to be re admitted the following day, from surgery complications, had an awful time. Wasn't healing well, my insides felt like they were getting ripped out. Drs being rude, I was Vomiting, bleeds, pain more than ever, they put me on pills after pills. I was in for 2 weeks. Not a soul knew I was there - I felt horrendous. The hospital couldn't get through to my family, in the end I got my work-boss to come - I was mortified, as we weren't close - in that way.
This was about 9yrs ago - I did not see the point in living. The wake-up call came when a junior doctor looking at my notes - she said " huh?! why are you on this type of medication - u shouldn't be on this as you have heavy bleeding, this will make you worse?!" She had words with the nurses other drs - it blew up.
i thought no one knows what they are doing. So why - am I putting all this faith in a system that does not want to help me, heal me or hear me. I figured - I can't get any sicker - I'm rock bottom. let me help me. And I've done it. You can too. I am single, but hope one day to meet someone and have a family. I'm 38 next month - and fighting society's pressure and even the wombs time clock - as well as endo stats on fertility probs.
So I have been preparing for that. I've been doing womb-training. Everytime I am waiting in a que, I place hands on my belly womb and say "you are going to be a beautiful home for my baby one day" or words to that effect. I see it - feel it. And it's unshakeable. Even if I'm low that day. I do it. My endo has almost gone, I can feel it. I need no Dr to tell me - what I already feel myself. It's wonderful to really hear yourself like that. Compared to how I was - I was so dependent on them but never given help.
See the life you want & it will appear. Have faith in your own power - it's there - waiting for you to find it - when the time is right. And you will. The world needs you in it x bloomin & beautiful and healed. See it & know it x
You truly areva shining star thank u for sharing ur story I think and this is just a thought but if we didn't have our womb clock amplifying each tick we would all heal ourselves....what country do u live in?
I agree - I think we've far more power than we know. And I also believe it is possible to heal endo. With holistic support & lifestyle change. But that's just me. I'm in lancs, uk.
Hope you have a positive day - if it's gone " off" again. Take some deep breaths. And say to yourself. Right, I'm starting the day over & from here. Xxx keep on going - keep on going, faith, hope, knowledge, wisdom.
Hi Lily,
I experience intermittent low side pains which do not particularly coincide with a monthly cycle. I have suffered from IBS for most of my life so manage my diet very carefully. There is no correlation between either condition and the pain and discomfort are quite different.
I get endo pain during my period, four to five days before it and pain for a few days when I believe I'm ovulating. So the only time I don't have have pain is a few days after my period. Endo doesn't just switch on and off at the time of the month. It annoys me that doctors are still using the IBS card. dont give up. If u know your body and suspect it's not right, keep going back x