Does anyone on here have fibroids as well as endo? What kind of treatment have you received (if any?) and have any of you conceived naturally with them?
Does anyone on here have fibroids as well as endo? What kind of treatment have you received (if any?) and have any of you conceived naturally with them?
Hi discobec, yes I had several fibroids,adenmyosis and severe endo. I had a larparoscopy hysteroscopy unfortunately my endo was too severe to treat but I did have fibroids removed but not adenmyosis. I have conceived naturally a few times but it has always ended in miscarriage. My consultant said it was probably due to the adenmyosis and severe endo rather than the fibroids. Best of luck xx
Hi there.
I have severe endo and am currently about to undergo IVF. I found out at my IVF initial consultation that I have a fibroid on my uterus. But they haven't said that I wont be able to carry a baby because of it. May depend on where it is? I don't know. But my infertility is due to severely blocked tubes and limited, if any, ovulation. As well as my endo creating one big lump as it all over my ovaries, uterus, bowel.
I'm afraid it will be just a case of trying naturally for you and if unfortunately no luck, getting investigated into why.
I looked up fibroid on google when I heard I had one. They tend not do anything if not causing much bother. But if symptoms from it are bad and not improving I believe they can try drugs or surgically remove it.
Hope this is of help. Best wishes x
Hello, I can't speak about conceiving, but I had fibroids and endo diagnosed last year. At first the gynaecologist said that the endometrioma and fibroids (3, one of which is inside the uterus) were too small to operate on during a laparoscopy, and offered various hormonal treatments, none of which have reduced the bleeding and pain. A couple of weeks ago I had a hysteroscopy, and the nurse practitioner said that the submucosal fibroid inside the uterus looked like it would be a good candidate for being removed hysteroscopically. I'm going to see the gynae next Tuesday to see what they say about further treatment.
It seems to me that the endometriosis and the fibroids are interlinked hormonally, but are being treated separately...but I'm not a doctor obviously.