Anyone have any ideas how to get through a day at work in pain? What pain killers dont work?
Working: Anyone have any ideas how to get... - Endometriosis UK

Hi Amie. When my endo is bad, I regularly take paracetamol and ibuprofen but I also have a electric heat pad which works marvellously. This or a hot water bottle.
I hope you feel better soon.
I'm on paracetomol and tramidol with diclofenic just not hitting the sides :(,, thanks for the ideas girls
I've just been given morphine slow release tabs, so far I don't feel much improvement, but they don't make me feel spaced out like tramadol, might be worth a try to go back to docs. Good luck
How did you get them? The hospital said they would have to admit me if I have morphine to see how I react to it.!
I've never really getting much relief from painkillers, and god knows I've tried most of them.
If I don't want to be spaced out, I go with tramadol, and leave the stronger stuff for the evening.
I also have TENSE machine or hot water bottle.
When I'm at home I pretty much constantly have a hot water bottle! Not so practical at work and I'd be tempted to try a heat pad if my symptoms continue (which I'm hoping won't be the case as I had laparoscopy and endo removal a couple of weeks ago!)
I also find coedine works well for me. And mefenamic acid, which is an anti-inflammatory. I've taken it for period pain for a couple of years, although not recently as last time I tried to get it it was unavailable!
I take tramadol, paracetamol and naproxen ( like ibuprofen). I also use a tens machine and that has gotten me through some really bad days. At home I also use heat pads and hot water bottle. Although some days are too bad to go to work and all I want to do is curl up in a corner and hide!